Scheduling Problem

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I have a client who is running the latest beta. For some reason I can't
get the schedule to change from 2am. I installed the software via VNC and
am configuring it that way as well, as I have done other clients as well,
with no problem. Is this a known issue, or am I doing something wrong? By
the way, it doesn't change when my client does it at the console either.
Client is running XP Home Edition.

H Jones
Be sure that the client is logging on as an administrator. Is the concept
"owner" in XP Home?

This may be a problem with the individual install--and trying an update
reinstall might help if that's the case--control panel, add or remove
software, Microsoft Antispyware, Change, Update.
Be sure that the client is logging on as an administrator. Is the
concept "owner" in XP Home?

This may be a problem with the individual install--and trying an
update reinstall might help if that's the case--control panel, add or
remove software, Microsoft Antispyware, Change, Update.

The only account she has on the box is the "Owner" account, which has full
admin rights. I also did an upgrade tonight for her, not the way you said,
but via downloading and installing the latest version from MS website. I
don't think there should be any difference in the update either way should
There can be a difference. It isn't anything I've ever seen defined, but
here's what I "think" happens:

on a remove and reinstall, files are left behind. I suspect this is so that
1) settings can be retained across such a a remove/reinstall, and 2) perhaps
quarantined items may be still retrievable across such a remove/reinstall.

On an update, my theory is that some settings will revert to defaults--much
as a repair install of the OS will do--as a mechanism to allow for fixing
things that go wrong, or settings the user can't find to fix.

I've seen instances where the change/update process fixed things that I
broke by messing directly with the various executables.

So---if it is still broken, try the change/update.

And, of course, if that doesn't do the slightest bit of good, get back to
us. I don't really have a longer list of things to try, but maybe I could
be kicked into thinking better!
There can be a difference. It isn't anything I've ever seen defined,
but here's what I "think" happens:

on a remove and reinstall, files are left behind. I suspect this is
so that 1) settings can be retained across such a a remove/reinstall,
and 2) perhaps quarantined items may be still retrievable across such
a remove/reinstall.

On an update, my theory is that some settings will revert to
defaults--much as a repair install of the OS will do--as a mechanism
to allow for fixing things that go wrong, or settings the user can't
find to fix.

I've seen instances where the change/update process fixed things that
I broke by messing directly with the various executables.

So---if it is still broken, try the change/update.

And, of course, if that doesn't do the slightest bit of good, get back
to us. I don't really have a longer list of things to try, but maybe
I could be kicked into thinking better!

I'll check tonight and let ya'll know.
I have similar problem but the schedule remians at 12:15
AM -- i..e when the computer is off. I have tried what
you said and it doesn't work. Any other suggestions?
So--in your case, the scheduled time will not change, no matter what you

What version of Windows, and service pack level?

And do I understand you to say that you've tried the update procedure, and
it didn't make any difference?

I think the next step is to remove the application via control panel, add or
remove programs, and then reinstall it.

If you don't have build .509 (see help, about)--it'd be good to do a new
download and get the latest version.

You can also delete all files in the installation directory, as long as
there aren't settings or quarantine items you wish to preserve.

I wish that I knew where the installation log file lives--I suspect
somewhere in TEMP, but I've never looked for it.

I also wonder whether there are useful errors in your errors.log file in the
installation directory for Microsoft Antispyware. Most of what is there
will be greek to me, but there may be messages listing specific filenames
which at least give us something to do to see whether we can change the
On 29 Mar 2005, in, Bill
Sanderson said
So--in your case, the scheduled time will not change, no matter what
you try?
- Correct
What version of Windows, and service pack level?
- XP Home SP1
And do I understand you to say that you've tried the update procedure,
and it didn't make any difference? -Correct

I think the next step is to remove the application via control panel,
add or remove programs, and then reinstall it.
Uninstalled via add/remove, deleted \program files\Microsoft Antispyware
and all registry entries. Reinstalled 1.0.509 from download,
same scenario, I go to update from 2am to 8pm, click update schedule, it
comes back that the schedule was updated, but it still says, and runs at
2am every day.
If you don't have build .509 (see help, about)--it'd be good to do a
new download and get the latest version. -1.0.509

You can also delete all files in the installation directory, as long
as there aren't settings or quarantine items you wish to preserve. -Did that after uninstall

I wish that I knew where the installation log file lives--I suspect
somewhere in TEMP, but I've never looked for it. -Don't know either

I also wonder whether there are useful errors in your errors.log file
in the installation directory for Microsoft Antispyware. Most of what
is there will be greek to me, but there may be messages listing
specific filenames which at least give us something to do to see
whether we can change the situation.
-462::ln 10:The remote server machine does not exist or is
unavailable::gcasDtServ:ScheduleScans:Update::3/30/2005 8:05:12 PM:1.0.509
Nah--I give up. I don't see anything there I can get a handle on.

You did miss the gc*.* files in system32?

Has this system ever run a different GIant derivative--either Giant
Antispwyare or Sunbelt's product?
On 30 Mar 2005, in, Bill
Sanderson said
Nah--I give up. I don't see anything there I can get a handle on.

You did miss the gc*.* files in system32?

Has this system ever run a different GIant derivative--either Giant
Antispwyare or Sunbelt's product?

Nope, the only antispyware this machine has ever run is Spybot, which runs
on all my systems, and all my clients systems as well, with no conflicts at
all with MS antispyware. I'm at a loss.
No significant conflicts with Spybot Search & Destroy--maybe some false
positives on stuff in hosts files, but nothing more.