Avi Janssen
Any suggestions on how to schedule a series of meetings that occur
almost every 2 weeks, but not exactly? For example,
Wednesday, April 28
Wednesday, May 12
Tuesday, May 25
Wednesday, June 9
Wednesday, June 23
Wednesday, July 7
Wednesday, July 21
Wednesday, August 4
Wednesday, August 18
We have 3 similar, very large meetings. If we send each meeting
request separately, some staff members will receive 76 different
meeting requests! Is there a cleaner way we can schedule a meeting for
these specific 9 dates without having to send 9 different invitations?
almost every 2 weeks, but not exactly? For example,
Wednesday, April 28
Wednesday, May 12
Tuesday, May 25
Wednesday, June 9
Wednesday, June 23
Wednesday, July 7
Wednesday, July 21
Wednesday, August 4
Wednesday, August 18
We have 3 similar, very large meetings. If we send each meeting
request separately, some staff members will receive 76 different
meeting requests! Is there a cleaner way we can schedule a meeting for
these specific 9 dates without having to send 9 different invitations?