-----Original Message-----
Thanks, that worked.
Hi there Robert,
Run Scheduled Tasks w/o Password, download fix from here:
Usage: Download the file to your computer and simply
double-click it so that it would automatically get
installed. Norton anti-virus software might warn you of
a "malicious" script, this is normal if you have "Script
Safe" or similar technology enabled. I recommend you to
choose "Authorize entire script" option next Action.
Venkatesh [MCSD][CCNA]
-----Original Message-----
This might seem like a stupid question. I can't figure
out why my windows update and Norton update quit working a
couple months ago. I used to get a yellow box popup in the
lower right screen when an update was ready. I can do it
manually, but when I try to schedule these, I get "wrong
password" I do not use a windows password. (XP Home)