Hello Robert,
I know that to create a new shared folder on the computer you're logged on,
the command line method is "net share sharename=drive

ath /grant:user,read"
But "net use z: \\server\share" is only used to create a drive (z

to an already shared folder.
My question here is: How can I have the Scheduled Tasks of Windows Vista
displayed when I get onto the "\\vista_pc_name" UNC ???
For all other NTx versions of Windows, if you have the administrative rights
on the remote computer and that you get onto its "\\computer_name" UNC, you
will see "Scheduled Tasks" item listed at the end of all the shares of this
computer. Nothing is required to be performed for this item to be listed on
other NTx Windows, but it's obviously not the case for Vista...
So, what are those required changes to perform on Windows Vista in order to
have the "Scheduled Tasks" item displayed when going onto the Vista
computer's UNC ?
Patrick L.