I need to add a timer to a windows sevice to start a program every day at
the same time. Because timers aren't set up to do this (run at a specific
time), I know I need to check the time and establish an interval so the timer
knows when to start my program. Then I guess I need to check the time and
re-establish the interval again. I'm sure this is a common thing to do, and
I am trying to find some examples to look at. I'm just looking for a quick
and dirty example.
Thanks for any help...
I need to add a timer to a windows sevice to start a program every day at
the same time. Because timers aren't set up to do this (run at a specific
time), I know I need to check the time and establish an interval so the timer
knows when to start my program. Then I guess I need to check the time and
re-establish the interval again. I'm sure this is a common thing to do, and
I am trying to find some examples to look at. I'm just looking for a quick
and dirty example.
Thanks for any help...