Scheduled Task through group policy

  • Thread starter Thread starter LegTech
  • Start date Start date


I am trying to get a scheduled task to about 600 xp machines in a
single domain. Will GP do this?

The policies related to Task Sheduling have more to do
with preventing certain aspects of Task Scheduling. They
are located here:
Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Task Scheduler

Depending on your core issue, you can probably get the
results you want using a script from one client like so:

( clients.txt - contains list of computers )

for /f "DELIMS=" %%a in (clients.txt) do ( AT \\%%a
1:00AM \\publicserver\share\tasktodo.cmd )

Th AT command has some oddities associated with it, like
running as the SYSTEM account. You could download the JT
reskit tool to use the scheduled tasks service instead.

Hope this helps,
Tony Yuhas
Active Directory Tools