I am trying to setup a task but there is an access problem. KB referred me
to KB article 884573. I tried to apply the documented workaround and in
instruction number 4 for the GPEDIT.MSC after clicking "Add User or Group"
it says to click Browse but this option doesn't exist on the screen". Am I
doing something wrong??? TIA Toohey
No, you're not doing anything wrong. The article is incorrect. Type in the
name of the account you're trying to add. Then click "Check Names." That
will get you to a screen where you can select the proper account and add
Have you considered contacting MS tech support for the hotfix that corrects
this issue? There is no charge for obtaining hotfixes. The required call is
a screening process to be sure that you are having the issue that the
hotfix addresses. (Hotfixes are works in progress - not fully tested so
they don't hand them out unless the situation matches the issue. Eventually
they show up at Windows update -on their own or incorporated into other
updates.) Once that has been established, you're sent an email with
directions on how to access the hotfix.
I've used this system before and it works fairly well. I have received an
automated prompt for a credit card number during the call que. After giving
my info, every human I talked to after that was informed this was a hotfix
call and requested to double check that no charge would be made to my card.
Once I got to the tech support person, I stuck to the issue surrounding the
hotfix and no charge has ever shown up.
This above description for obtaining a hotfix sounds much more complicated
than it really is. If your issue matches what's described in that article,
suggest considering the hotfix as a viable option towards resolving it.