Schedule Take could not run

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mike
  • Start date Start date


I searched Microsoft KB for a problem that I have with
running scheduled task in windows XP and found the
article 313111 that describes my problem.
In that article microsoft offers a tool systaskfix.exe
but the URL link for download is broken and I have search
everywhere in Microsoft and google. I cannot find this
Does anyone knows where I can find this hotfix?

Trying assing a password to the acct and then open up schedule task and double click on the item and click on set password. Then just put your new password in.
I have tried that and it did not work. In the log I get
the following message and microsoft indicates that Ihave
to use Systaskfix to cleare the database.

Error message:

"The attempt to retrieve account information for the
specified task failed; therefore, the task did not run.
Either an error occurred, or no account information
existed for the task.
The specific error is:
0x8004130f: No account information could be found in the
Task Scheduler security database for the task indicated."
-----Original Message-----
Trying assing a password to the acct and then open up
schedule task and double click on the item and click on
set password. Then just put your new password in.