Schedule scans

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Using windows xp home " French version " installed ok after using error 1609
work round ,
Scan of system functioned, set schedule scan and hoped all was well ! After
three days of observing defender, now indicates no scans carried out for 3
days, and recommends schedule scan ?
Also doesn't check updates despite icon appearing in task bar ! no error
messages doesn't even try to access the net ! No firewall requests ?(using
Zonz Alarm) Nor does it ask for access if I shut down my connerction !
Updated manually from microsoft update ok !
Any suggestions ?
Is autoupdate turned on and working on your machine? That would be the
mechanism it would use to acquire updates.

You can manually trigger an update request by going to Help, About, and
hitting check for updates.

The scheduler not working is a mystery--I have seen other reports of this,
so you aren't alone, but I don't have any ideas about what might be
wrong--you could try update or repair from within add or remove programs,
Windows Defender--change, update, or Click for support information, then
ok autoupdate is set for alerts only so in that way it is fonctioning as
already recieved one alert and updated manually ! I was thinking more in the
order of spyware signatures as in antispyware beta 1. As triggering
checkupdate does nothing other than put an icon in task bar for a moment, no
evidence that a search was done ! especially as no requests to pass firewall,
or even access the net ! if connection is closed and off line !
Tried your suggestion for repair but no change ! just a thought does being a
non english version as with installation error 1609, where I created a group
users, to install, and then deleted, have any bearing on the schedule scan in
that it doesn't recognise my group as being the admin ?
Bill Sanderson.. thanks for you ideas in other posts I found my problem ! I
was thinking defender was like beta 1 a stand alone product ! and would run
schedule scans and updates in the same way !
In fact updates use the microsoft up date and schedule scans require that
the Windows schedule tasks schedule, is fonctioning ! as I have never
previously had need of it ! I had switched it off when I originally installed
Thanks--glad to hear you found the problem.

I'm unclear about how and whether the scheduled tasks functionality is used
by Windows Defender--I need to look into this further.

On my machine, I do not see an entry for a scheduled task related to my
daily scan.

I can't pretend to understand why and how schedule tasks is used, however I
found the solution when going to the advanced section in schedule tasks and
discovered it was a hidden task ! once I reset the properties of the
scheduler in the general and connection section, all functioned !
Since writing earlier in the day, I've learned that the scheduling function
is done as a hidden job in the Windows Scheduled Tasks facility.

Have you turned off the task scheduler?

Yes--thanks--I'm learning--slowly--ignore my other reply--I'm glad you got
this straightened out, and from it I've learned more about how this
works--frankly, I like it a lot. The UI in the program allows easy
scheduling for anyone, but if you want more control, you can go into the
scheduler and modify the job directly and tune it to you hearts content.

We had a user who wanted to scan only on weekdays, for example.
