Ok! I cant remember the import capabilities of Project 95 - Run Project and
search Help for 'import'. However, I strongly recommend the following 3-step
Run Project
View>More Views>Task Sheet
Note the six columns you will try to fill!
Run Excel
From within Excel run MS Query on your database. Generate the Query to
match the column order in Project.
Run the Query, and return the data to Excel
Save as needed.
Leave Excel Open
Run Project
View>More Views>Task Sheet
Since your Excel Columns match those you see here,
you can copy and paste from Excel*. This will allow you to view and
Gant Chart View
Calendar View
and ALL task-related Reports!
*You MUST lay out as shown in Project
You MAY leave columns blank
The data (Duration, Start & Finish dates) MUST be consistent (unless
1 column is blank)
If your links are not overly complex, or the predecessor/successor
is difficult to extract, they can be formed quickly in Project by
'linking tasks'
That addresses your direct question.
Be aware that Project has a native capability to save projects in an Access
Compatible Database (there are no relationships defined) - multiple projects
at that. You could use MS Project to manage your projects, and all the
features of access for special queries (creating links in the query) and
reporting. It will be a fair bit of work to absorb and document the details,
but may well be worth it.
At least one multi-national uses the following schema:
|--- Project Control --|--Tech Support--|--Personnel
Proj Mgrs <->MS Project<->ProjectDB<-><ResourceDB>Personnel Mgmt
Tech support have set it up, and it works seamlessly!