Carla Post
I use Schedule Plus 7.5 (which was included in the Outlook
of the Office 97 suite) to schedule appointments on a
I have updated to Office 2000 suite, and find that
Schedule Plus is no longer a part of Outlook.
Is there a seperate version of this program I can purchase
to keep using the Schedule Plus. It works much better
than the calander in Outlook over a network. Appointments
can be changed by any user in any calander at any time.
Any help would be appreciated.
of the Office 97 suite) to schedule appointments on a
I have updated to Office 2000 suite, and find that
Schedule Plus is no longer a part of Outlook.
Is there a seperate version of this program I can purchase
to keep using the Schedule Plus. It works much better
than the calander in Outlook over a network. Appointments
can be changed by any user in any calander at any time.
Any help would be appreciated.