Skip Bisconer said:
I am trying to schedule the disk defrag and I cannot seem to
find the
application in any of the windows including Browse. Can some
one help
me out here.
Thanks for looking at my problem
Keep in mind that you can only schedule the command line
version, defrag.exe. You won't be able to schedule the GUI
version, dfrag.msc.
That said, defrag.exe should be located in your
C:\Windows\System32 folder. If it's not present, you can
restore it from your XP installation CD.
Put the installation disk in your CD drive.
Go to Start -> Run and enter cmd.exe in the Open box.
Click OK.
In the Command prompt window, type the following command and
hit the enter key.
expand D:\i386\defrag.ex_ C:\Windows\System32\defrag.exe
Note: The above command assumes that your CD drive is D.
Substitute the correct drive letter if it's not. Also, there is
a space after expand and defrag.ex_.
Here are a couple of articles with more info.
How to Automate Disk Defragmenter Using Task Scheduler Tool in
Windows XP;en-us;555098
Schedule a Task to Defragment Drives
Good luck