Michael W. Lurie
Since installing SP4 for my personal Windows 2000 server, I get a regular
message (plus one on bootup) that shows up in Event Viewer -> Application
Log at an apparently random, approximately daily interval - as follows:
Event Type: Information
Event Source: SceCli
Event Category: None
Event ID: 1704
Date: 08/21/2003
Time: 23:34:02
User: N/A
Computer: OFFICE
Security policy in the Group policy objects are applied successfully.
This machine is not a domain controller, not configured for DNS, and I am
not sure a.) WHY Security policy is being applied at all, b.) why this only
started appearing with SP4, and c.) how to shut it off. Looking for clues
on Usenet, it appears I'm not the first to notice this - but no answers to
the above questions have been offered. I have pored through the Local
Computer Policy settings so far to no avail...
As an addendum to this query: is there any simple, straightforward, or any
other way at all to display - in a list-type format - which security policy
setting are (and/or are not) in place on a given Windows 2000 server?
Thanks very much in advance for any illumination which may be provided.
message (plus one on bootup) that shows up in Event Viewer -> Application
Log at an apparently random, approximately daily interval - as follows:
Event Type: Information
Event Source: SceCli
Event Category: None
Event ID: 1704
Date: 08/21/2003
Time: 23:34:02
User: N/A
Computer: OFFICE
Security policy in the Group policy objects are applied successfully.
This machine is not a domain controller, not configured for DNS, and I am
not sure a.) WHY Security policy is being applied at all, b.) why this only
started appearing with SP4, and c.) how to shut it off. Looking for clues
on Usenet, it appears I'm not the first to notice this - but no answers to
the above questions have been offered. I have pored through the Local
Computer Policy settings so far to no avail...
As an addendum to this query: is there any simple, straightforward, or any
other way at all to display - in a list-type format - which security policy
setting are (and/or are not) in place on a given Windows 2000 server?
Thanks very much in advance for any illumination which may be provided.