what causes my antispyware scans to hang on Recycler &
SystemVolumeInformation (even though I've turned off and cleaned both the
RecycleBin and SystemRestore).
Windows Defender Full scans hang (Smart scans run fine), unless I skip
Recycler and
SystemVolumeInformation. Ditto Ad-Aware Full scans (Quick scans work fine).
Sunbelt CounterSpy scans hang too.
(SpywareBlaster and SpyBot scans run fine. Ditto Norton Antivirus. I'm
running XP Pro sp3, a fresh
install last month)
I googled and searched forums for solutions but none worked. Sometimes it
hung on System Restore; I
turned it off and it mostly hung elsewhere. Sometimes it the hung on the
Recycle Bin (which I've always
had turned off!). System cleaning with CCleaner (which helped for some
people) didn't help. Program
uninstalls/reinstalls didn't work. I tried turning off resident antispyware
aps. I tried going back (9 days)
to my oldest Ghost backup image, but it already had the issue. I ran hard
drive diagnostics, and
CHKDSK, they show clean.
I created ("slipstreamed") a XP Pro sp3 install disc so I could RUN | sfc
/scannow; didn't help. With
this slipstream sp3 disc I can now run a full Repair Install, and that's the
only option I can think of now
short of another full Fresh Install.
SystemVolumeInformation (even though I've turned off and cleaned both the
RecycleBin and SystemRestore).
Windows Defender Full scans hang (Smart scans run fine), unless I skip
Recycler and
SystemVolumeInformation. Ditto Ad-Aware Full scans (Quick scans work fine).
Sunbelt CounterSpy scans hang too.
(SpywareBlaster and SpyBot scans run fine. Ditto Norton Antivirus. I'm
running XP Pro sp3, a fresh
install last month)
I googled and searched forums for solutions but none worked. Sometimes it
hung on System Restore; I
turned it off and it mostly hung elsewhere. Sometimes it the hung on the
Recycle Bin (which I've always
had turned off!). System cleaning with CCleaner (which helped for some
people) didn't help. Program
uninstalls/reinstalls didn't work. I tried turning off resident antispyware
aps. I tried going back (9 days)
to my oldest Ghost backup image, but it already had the issue. I ran hard
drive diagnostics, and
CHKDSK, they show clean.
I created ("slipstreamed") a XP Pro sp3 install disc so I could RUN | sfc
/scannow; didn't help. With
this slipstream sp3 disc I can now run a full Repair Install, and that's the
only option I can think of now
short of another full Fresh Install.