Hi Taz,
As a guess I wouldn't expect the MS Office Document Imaging app (MS Paper) to survive in the next version. It's original name 'MS
Paper' is what led into the XPS development. MS doesn't often provide its Office graphic file formats that it then discontinues to
3rd party folks, or there would be converters for both .MIX and for .MDI files out there in other graphic apps <g>). That would lead
to them being more widespread in use, but MS marketing apparently doesn't see it that way <g>). If I recall correctly MS Office
Document Imaging originally wasn't going to be in Office 2007, but perhaps XPS wasn't far enough along at that point to be able to
transition to it easily.
It seemed odd that the removal of insert/scan from camera feature was going away when digital cameras/phones etc with USB plugins
finally became popular and widespread, but...
"CyberTaz" <typegeneraltaz1ATcomcastdotnet> wrote in message You're probably aware of this, but for the benefit of any interested others
another poster supplied the following in the docmanagement forum:
Description: The Microsoft Office Document Imaging (MODI) tool set and code
dependencies on MODI are removed.
Reason for change: This technology is replaced with XPS.
Migration path: Online fax vendors or others who rely on MODI technology can
either download MODI or update their applications to use the new XPS
from here:
Regards |:>)
Bob Jones >>
Bob Buckland ?

MS Office System Products MVP
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