Hi my friend has a Umax scanner but it wont run on xp so can you tell me how
to download a fix or somthing for him. Cheers gordon
to download a fix or somthing for him. Cheers gordon
Gordon said:Hi my friend has a Umax scanner but it wont run on xp so can you tell
me how to download a fix or somthing for him. Cheers gordon
Ken Blake said:There is no "fix." What you need is a driver for his scanner for Windows XP.
Depending on what model he has, there may or may not be a driver available.
If the scanner is old enough, there probably is not one.
Go to the UMAX web site www.umax.com and look for a XP driver for his model.
Check the UK UMAX site as well as the US one. Curiously, when I had a UMAX
scanner several years ago, I found an XP driver for it on the UK site, but
not on the US one.
Mike Hall said:If the Umax scanner is of the parallel/SCSI type, forget it.. if USB, you
may find a driver that will work.. bear in mind that even if you find a
driver, the 'control' program will not be part of it..
New scanners are cheap enough, and will save a lot of heartache..
Gordon said:Hi thanks for your help. Cheers Gordon