Thanks, but the feet still aren't printing at their true size value. These are a pair of
baby feet stamped on to paper and then scanned into the computer. Therefore it may be
difficult to actually get a true measure of them and change their value as you suggested,
due to various toes' height, etc. Any other ideas?.
In other words, you have the scans but not the original paper?
The problem is that scanned images don't have any particular size. Some image file formats
can carry size information that the scanning software may or may not include, some don't.
If you know that the images will always be scanned in the same way, with the same settings,
by the same software, then you could pretty easily scan a test paper - say a printed
rectangle of known size, approx the same size as the footprints you'll be working with -
then use that scanned image the way I've described to "calibrate" your system.
Instead of plugging in the sizes in the formatting dialog box, you'll dial in percentages
until the size is what you know it should be (ie, the size of the original rectangle).
Then when you bring in further scans, you'd just have to enlarge or reduce them by the same
percentage before printing.
Of course, if somebody changes the way they scan the images, that'll throw everything off.
Another approach might be to put an inch/cm scale on the paper the footprints are being
stamped onto (or just on the scanner glass) and scan it along with the footprint. Enlarge
the image so that 4" on the scale = 4" in PPT and you're good to go.
If you have many of these to do, this is probably something that could be automated.
Steve Rindsberg, PPT MVP
Featured Presenter, PowerPoint Live 2004
October 10-13, San Diego, CA