scandsk clone?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Patrick Keane
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Patrick Keane

Is there a utility like "SCANDSK" for windows 2000? I
used scadsk all the time to fix so many problems and I
miss it.
Patrick Keane said:
Is there a utility like "SCANDSK" for windows 2000? I
used scadsk all the time to fix so many problems and I
miss it.

Just chkdsk. Try:
chkdsk /f c:
at the Command Prompt. It should ask if you want to schedule the chk on the
next reboot. If you tell it yes, it will do what scandisk does on boot up.
You can also right click on the drive icon, select Properties from the
bottom of the context menu, click the Tools tab, and click the Check Now...

Philip D. Barila Windows DDK MVP
Seagate Technology, LLC
(720) 684-1842
As if I need to say it: Not speaking for Seagate.
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