My ScanDisk 256MB SD camera card gets screwed. After Ioaded it with bunch of
pics all of a sudden it can't be read anymore and prompts me to format it.
I was using it in Kodak 5.0 Mp camera, and the also tried to read it in HP
4.2 Sureshot and had same message.
Then I hooked both cameras to PC and still won't upload anything. Don't have
a SD card reader but assume it would give me same message.
Is there a recovery software or some other way to fix it?
pics all of a sudden it can't be read anymore and prompts me to format it.
I was using it in Kodak 5.0 Mp camera, and the also tried to read it in HP
4.2 Sureshot and had same message.
Then I hooked both cameras to PC and still won't upload anything. Don't have
a SD card reader but assume it would give me same message.
Is there a recovery software or some other way to fix it?