Scan disk



I am having problems running a scan disk. The scan disk runs when the computer is restarted. Everytime a scan disk is scheduled and the the computer is restarted, i get an error message that says "could not open volume for direct access" and the scan disk does not start. It just restarts the computer as it usually would do. There is a noticeable change in the performance of the processor too. It is running slower than usual. How do i go about correcting theis problem without reformatting the hard drive?


buzf355 said:
I am having problems running a scan disk. The scan disk runs when the
computer is restarted. Everytime a scan disk is scheduled and the the
computer is restarted, i get an error message that says "could not open
volume for direct access" and the scan disk does not start. It just restarts
the computer as it usually would do. There is a noticeable change in the
performance of the processor too. It is running slower than usual. How do i
go about correcting theis problem without reformatting the hard drive?

Possible solution. Uninstall Zone Alarm version 5.



buzf355 said:
I am having problems running a scan disk. The scan disk runs when the
computer is restarted. Everytime a scan disk is scheduled and the the
computer is restarted, i get an error message that says "could not open
volume for direct access" and the scan disk does not start. It just
restarts the computer as it usually would do. There is a noticeable change
in the performance of the processor too. It is running slower than usual.
How do i go about correcting theis problem without reformatting the hard

Do you have Zone Alarm version 5 installed?

If so, simply go to the "Overview" section (in the left column) in ZA, then
under the "Preferences" tab, uncheck the box "Protect The Zone Alarm Pro
Client" (obviously, you have to have Pro to do this!), apply and OK out, the
restart ZA. Try it again. if that doesn't work, uninstall ZA altogether, and
then do your checkdisk (not scan disk by the way, that was in the 98/ME

If the latter resolves this, then download and install the previous to the
version 5 of ZA (which is 4.5.594.000), as that version and before doiesn't
cause this issue..


The reason why scan disk restarts itself is baeuase i cant perform a scan disk while somthing is writing to the drives.
This can be anything either hidden running or in the bottom right hand courner of the screen.
You can complete it by running it in safe mode or by closing the applications in the bottom right hand corner of the screen asonlg as you make sure there is no applications/programs wrinting the any drive

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