I assume you mean chkdsk not scan disk (scan disk doesn't exist in XP).
Actually it is autochk that is kicking in because the system has marked the
drive as 'dirty' This doesn't mean it is physically dirty, but there might
be a cluster that needs attention. First I suggest you let it run as normal.
If on the next reboot it asks to autochk the disk again then disable the
option by following the instructions on this link from my website::
Incidentally, I have only just noticed a typo in the instructions. At step
12 it should read "
12/ Once you have confirmed that CHKDSK does not run and your PC has fully
booted click Start>Run again and type cmd
for some unknown reason the Run has turned into Runa

I'll correct it as
soon as I can.
John Barnett MVP
Associate Expert
Windows - Shell/User
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