Scan Disk missing?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jude Lee
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Jude Lee

Upon rebooting, I got a message that Windows was going to do a scan disk
function. I was given a few seconds in which to go further or let
Windows do the scan disk. I let Windows do the scan disk. However,
the "clock" that showed the progress of the scan disk never changed. I
finally just rebooted and by passed the scan disk. I went to my
"Scheduled Tasks" to find the location of scan disk to run it from

When I did that, I was told Scan disk wasn't at that location. (The
location I found on my scheduled task was c:\WINDOWS\SCANDSKW.EXE. I
then right clicked on the schedule and clicked on "run" with NO
results! I looked into my Windows folder and, sure enough, it isn't

This marks my 4th issue after upgrading to Windows XP, and I suspect
more as I've begun to familiarize myself with the program. I'm only
taking the issues one at a time.

Jude Lee said:
Upon rebooting, I got a message that Windows was going to do a scan disk
function. I was given a few seconds in which to go further or let
Windows do the scan disk. I let Windows do the scan disk. However,
the "clock" that showed the progress of the scan disk never changed. I
finally just rebooted and by passed the scan disk. I went to my
"Scheduled Tasks" to find the location of scan disk to run it from

When I did that, I was told Scan disk wasn't at that location. (The
location I found on my scheduled task was c:\WINDOWS\SCANDSKW.EXE. I
then right clicked on the schedule and clicked on "run" with NO
results! I looked into my Windows folder and, sure enough, it isn't

This marks my 4th issue after upgrading to Windows XP, and I suspect
more as I've begun to familiarize myself with the program. I'm only
taking the issues one at a time.


Upgrading to XP is never a great solution - for less trouble do a clean
Hi, James,

Is that when you back up everything personal on zips and then start
completely over? If you can tell me the exact steps or point me to a
link, I'd appreciate it. Thanks for responding.

Jude Lee - Scan Disk is not part of Windows XP. It was a program that you
had set up in your previous windows OS schedule tasks. You need to remove
it from the scheduled tasks. The replacement for your Scan Disk is CHKDSK.
It can be set to run from the Tools menu. Double Click on My Computer.
Right click on the drive you want to check. Left click on Tools tab. Click
Check Now on the Error-checking option. Make sure that Automatically fix
file system errors is checked and then click on Start.

Another dialog box will appear which effectively states "The disk check
could not be performed.....exclusive access....." Click Yes and then
restart the system. Chkdsk will start upon the reboot.

The reason for this message is that XP won't perform repairs on a working
system drive from within itself. It needs to boot and check the drive
before XP loads.

IMHO the program should not normally be placed as a scheduled task as it
will fail to run at the apponted time and may cause you to think that there
is a problem when there is none. I run CHKDSK on every failure of the OS
(system hang or crash) and once a week manually just to be sure.
Hey LVTravel

Thanks for responding. I did what you said. However, one has to left
click on "Sharing and Security" to get the "Tools" option.

Sure enough, everything went as you said. I rebooted and it scanned my
C drive but showed no errors. After it scanned, however, the old
message came up again, so I decided to write the whole message just as
it appears for you to interpret:

checking file system on c:
The type of the file system is FAT32.

One of your disks needs to be checked for
consistency. you may cancel the disk check,
but it is srongly recommened that you
Windows will now check the disk
Volume serial number is 3D57-OAPC
Windows is verfying files and folders...
0 percent completed..

It does nothing. The percentage completed doesn't change. At this
point, I can't even contro/alt/delete but have to reboot with the
on/off button.

I'm very interested in part of your reply to the OP. I've been distressed
that I get system "hangs" occasionally (maybe every two months). I've never
lost any data and it seems to happen when closing IE, but I would think that
it should NEVER happen. I ran Windows 98 for five years and never had a
I infer from your reply that even MVPs get occasional lockups. Is it the
case that this is just a "fact of Windows life"?
I'm not an MVP...but I do run a lot of XP systems (3 desktops and 3 laptops)
with generally no problem. I will have maybe one lockup on video editing or
photo editing (large complex files) every two to three weeks. Document
editing almost never causes a lockup but I have also had my network stop
responding in the middle of a large copy (I pulled the plug out of the
switch with my foot by accident and have since rerouted the d...n cable.)
Even though I run the chkdsk program regularly, it almost never finds a
problem even when I have disconnected the computer from the network or when
I have to manually shut down the computer with the power switch with a full
lockup of the OS (which happens very rarely.)

The previous versions of Windows (9X versions) really had a hard time
keeping the FAT correct because of the OS crashes and some of the programs I
was using back then. Because of this I regularly ran the Scan Disk program
when I was using that OS. Old habits do die hard. The best protection is
always a good backup which I do automatically every night from all desktops
and weekly from the laptops or immediately when returning home from a trip.

As for your last statement about lockups being a fact of life....well, yes.
Even Apple computer gurus occasionally have their computers crash (of course
not as much as Windows, correct Apple lovers). If you never had a lockup
on a 98 machine you really need to consider yourself lucky.
Sorry about the missing left click on S & S but I use the classic Windows
desktop on all my computers and I believe it is a little different with the
newer XP desktop.

See if any of these will help you fix your chkdsk problem


2. Click Start, Run type CMD then in the command window type chkntfs /x c:
This disables chkdsk from running on drive C: Information from here

3. How to Cancel CHKDSK After It Has Been Scheduled

To stop the execution of CHKDSK /F /R, you must edit the registry using
Registry Editor.

WARNING: Using Registry Editor incorrectly can cause serious, system-wide
problems that may require you to reinstall Windows NT to correct them.
Microsoft cannot guarantee that any problems resulting from the use of
Registry Editor can be solved. Use this tool at your own risk.

To stop the execution of CHKDSK /F /R, take the following steps:
1. Run the Registry Editor(Regedt32.exe).
2. Under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE subtree, go to the following subkey:
\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager
3. Change the BootExecute entry from:

autocheck autochk * /r\DosDevice\C:


autocheck autochk *
If you have scheduled CHKDSK for multiple volumes, there will be an
autocheck entry for each volume. Delete the string from the BootExecute
registry value for each volume you do not want checked.

This procedure will reset the default string, and CHKDSK /F /R will not run
on reset.

Let me know how you made out on with these....
Hey, LVTravel, Good to hear from you again.

I looked into your option 1 first. I THINK my solution lies in one of
the options in that link. Yet, I have come across a problem. The
option I think is my solution is on the link "how to get a clean boot."

Well, I do everything I'm instructed but XP won't let me finish the
settings and says something to the effect that I have to be the
administrator. Well, I AM the administrator... :( I checked to
make sure I'm listed as the administrator in the user section. Sure
enough, I'm there.

Do you have a clue why I can't make the necessary changes to my
"selective startup" because XP doesn't seem to recognize I'm the
administrator and have "permission" to change any and all settings?

I hope this doesn't have anything to do with me NOT having a password.
When I installed XP, I didn't want the password prompt to bug me at the
beginning (like I had come across with other people's complaining
about) so when asked for a password I just left blank and hit return.
I don't get the prompt at the boot up but could THAT be the additional
problem I'm facing.

I appreciate you taking your time with me. I HAVE noticed how many
people post to this forum looking for solutions!

Thanks, Jude

I HAD to get back to you. The absolutely annoying message is gone!!!
How, you may ask? lol

Well, here goes:

regedit/ ok/KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Control/Session

Line reads as: BootExecute REG_MULTI_

Edit autocheck autochk* to read BootExecute. Close and reboot.
Message GONE!!!
hmmm, for some odd reason my reply got posted before I was finished....

Here's the solution:

Manager/(double click to expand)

Line reads as: BootExecute REG_MULTI_ SZ autocheck autochk*

edit to: BootExecute REG_MULTI_ SZ BootExecute

Close and reboot. Message GONE!!!

Great thing about this edit is that when a future problem crops up when
a boot up scan NEEDS to be done, that command will be re-written there.
(it's possible that the whole line could be deleted but I wasn't
willing to try that.)

P.S. I got this solution from a guy named Kinel on Computing.Net
Yeah, I wanted to thank you for you long lasting patience but also post
the "fix" so that you would have it on hand in case it happened to
someone else.

I still have an XP problem about being able to change settings as
administrator but I'm going to look into it later because it doesn't
impact me today, but now I know of 2 good forums to visit. I've had
enough for now! Believe it or not, I started a backup and I'm having
zip drive problems now... lol What a world we live in...