My laptop runs very fast and then shuts off (there's an audible little "pop"
like the electricity was cut off) about 20-30 seconds after I start Scan Disk
or I attempt an Operating System repair from the CD. It will also run very
fast for a few seconds after I open a new tab in an IE7 browser window.
Opening multiple tabs will also cause the system to shut off every once in a
while. There are no error messages before or after it shuts off. Does anyone
know what might be causing this to happen?
like the electricity was cut off) about 20-30 seconds after I start Scan Disk
or I attempt an Operating System repair from the CD. It will also run very
fast for a few seconds after I open a new tab in an IE7 browser window.
Opening multiple tabs will also cause the system to shut off every once in a
while. There are no error messages before or after it shuts off. Does anyone
know what might be causing this to happen?