
Dec 26, 2005
Reaction score
Message:From: Lady Mable Kabila.
Please kindly reply to this my private email address for confidencial and security reasons.E-mail:[email protected]
I am Mrs.Mable Kabila, from Democratic Republic of Congo, and here is what i want me and you to delibrate on how we can get it out and then can be able to organise our future matrimonial life, but one thing you have to understand is that, relationship starts from some where, so i believe that this has already starts the beginning of our own relationship in what we have to do now and in future.

There is an information I would like you to keep very confidential, there is sum ammount of money my Husband Late President Laurent Kabila, deposited in a security company here in Abidjan Cote d'ivoire for safe keeping. Before he was killed by his Eldest Millitary Son,Joseph kabila.

The squable happened as immediately we returned back from our London trip, My husband married us two.
I am the second wife,I will not be able to give you the full details that led to that urgly incidents,the Eldest Son Joseph Kabila is the current President of our country now.

For now I am staying in Abijdan, the economic capital of Republic of Cote d'voire,just to save my life,with my three children. The money in question, is 22, Million U.S.Dollars.

I can not make the withdrawal of this fund,because my husband registered the Beneficiary of the fund as his (Foriegn Bussiness Patner) and also (Family valuables as the content of the deposit) The documents of the deposit are with me.

What I would want you to do, is to assits me to get the consignment withdrawn from the security company, and we shall open a small account in a Bank here in your name, and transfer the money to your country, through the account .

We shall replace the name Foriegn Patner to your own name, because the code was used for security reason.

I will give you the 10% of the money for your assitance.

There is no risk in this transaction. I will use the remaining balance of the money for an investiment in your country for the future of my children.
If you are intrested, and can maintain the very confidential of this transaction,you e-mail me immediately for more clarification, and also note that I am a refugee in Abidjan, Cote d’ lvoire becuase of the assasination of my late husband,and the civil war going on in our country,Democratic Republic of Congo, cannot allow me to go back.
Please kindly reply to this my private email address for confidencial and security reasons.E-mail:[email protected]
Thank you very much.
Lady Mable Kabila.
491 scam

They call this a 491 scam. Complete crap they want your money then they do a runner. Up until recently people were advised to pass this onto the Police:thumb:
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ha ha, the Democratic Republic of Congo must be a pretty crappy place if they cant even get a proper email address entension, @''.
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there is a smell with this deal, it's not cat nor dog, oh yes it's just a load of bull:rolleyes:
She was the one who wanted to buy a mobile phone for her eldest rommadommafromagefrais on ebay off me :D
in some african countries they shoot people who bring shame to their village, it's legal under local law:eek:
posted by murdoch
in some african countries they shoot people who bring shame to their village, it's legal under local law:eek:

should adopt a bit of that in this country for some lowlife ?
they hav rights

no cos we would be infringing their rights under the european human rights act:eek:
I got this kind of email almost everyday. They seen to be coming from different domain names. So hard to stop them.

Below is an example:

Date:Mon, 13 Mar 2006 19:49:43 -0600
From:"INL AWARD" (e-mail address removed)

The Irish Lottery
11 G Lower Dorset Street,
Dublin 1, Ireland.
Ref: LSUK/2031/8161/05
Batch: R3/A312-59



We are pleased to announce to you the draw of the IRISH LOTTERY
New year online Program held on FRIDAY 10th MARCH 2006.

Your e-mail address attached to ticket number: 56475600545 188 with
number 5368/05 whi emerged the Irish

Jackpot winner. You have therefore been approved to claim a total sum
?1,982,971.00 Euros (One million, Nine

hundred and eighty two Thousand, nine hundred and seventy-one Euro) in
credited to file KTU/9023118308/05

of Irish Lottery.

All participants for the online version were selected randomly from the
Wide Web through a computer draw

system and extracted from over 100,000 unions, associations, and
bodies that are listed
online.This promotion takes place weekly.

Please note that your lucky winning number falls within our European
representative office in Europe as

indicated in your play coupon. In view of this, your ?1,982,971.00 Euro
be released to you by any of our

payment offices in Europe(UK).

To file for your claim, please fill the claims and verification form
below and
send to our fiduciary agent:

James Hurt
Attorney at Law
Email:[email protected]


1.FULL NAMES:__________________________________
5.MARITAL STATUS:___________________
7.E-MAIL ADDRESS:_____________________________
8.TELEPHONE NUMBER:_____________________
9. DRAW NUMBER:______________
10.TICKET NUMBER:___________________
11.SERIAL NUMBER:__________________
12.AMOUNT WON:___________________________________
13. STATE:__________________________________
14. COUNTRY________________________________

That way your Winnings Certificate and all other relevant
can be prepared for you. Note

that all prize funds must be claimed not later than two weeks. After
this date
all funds will be returned to

the LOTTERY TREASURY as unclaimed. In order to avoid unnecessary delays
complications, please endeavor to

quote your Reference Number(LSUK/2031/8161/05) and Bach
every correspondence with your


Furthermore, should there be any change in your address, do inform your
agent as soon as possible.

For security reasons, you are advised to keep your winning information
confidential till your claims is

processed and your money remitted to you in whatever manner you deem
fit to
claim your prize. This is part of

our precautionary measure to avoid double claiming and unwarranted
abuse of this
program. Please be warned.

Good luck from me and members of staff of the IRISH LOTTERY.

Yours faithfully,

marleyuk said:
ha ha, the Democratic Republic of Congo must be a pretty crappy place if they cant even get a proper email address entension, @''.

Mabel is based in Canada, ca is Canada