Tom, you're right, of course; but the definition of "end user" is extremely
vague when it comes to website presentations! I also realise that the
compression patents are about to expire, but still...
Since the PNG format does allow some control of transparency, it's probably
not a bad idea to get folks at least looking at that format. More so when the
primary benefit of GIF formats is mainly restricted to
rolling/scrolling/annoying eye candy.
I'm not any kind of expert, and I don't have any link to the PNG/MNG
promoters, but these seem to be viable alternatives to GIFs, and until people
start using the new formats, we'll be stuck in the rut of GIF technology for
longer than we need to be. Since the PNG/MNG technology seems to be able to
do everything GIF/LZW technology could ever do, and then some more, it makes
sense to at least discuss the new "potential king"
The other responses to the original poster's request were a bit
black-and-white (and in one case completely incorrect), and that always
lights my touchpaper. So I might have spent less time being polemic towards
GIFs and more time explaining the differences.