Thats one change I dont see myself doing for a long time. I just dont
see any point to it at this time unless the motherboards all come out
in some BTX only format. I think I saw a site that said it could use
the old PS and that the new BTX motherboards will have 4 PCI slots + 2
PCI X short slots and 1 PCI express video. In that case I guess if you
need a lot of PCI slots then it would be an incentive with the one
downside of having to buy a new case.
Keeping the timing in mind, Intel pushed BTX with
anticipation of releasing their future Prescott 100W+ CPUs.
Soon enough they'll be dual-core and potentially not needing
such aggressive cooling. The other factors people cite like
better video card cooling, is pretty much nonsense IMO,
putting the very hot running CPU as the first object heating
air intake does anything but help cool video cards. Then
again, I compare to the way I do it, leaving a PCI slot
bracket cover or two off, which causes passive flow past the
card. If the alternative were cramming in cards with no
airflow then the (forced) spacing of BTX might help a