Saving Xport to Excel file

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I need some assistance
I have a database where I need to export a table to excel. One of my
coworkers gave me this code where it takes the data from table and export it
to excel, and placing it whereever. now my problem is that whenever we do the
exporting, it is going to that same sheet and keeps adding it. I've tried to
add the save-as dialog window but it seem not to work, cause it is still
going to that same sheet.
I'm trying to have that sheet just be the template but have a save-as dialog
window open to have the user give the file a name and not overwirte the

MAybe im doing something wrong, please help
here is the code Im using:
Private Sub cmdExport_Click()
On Error GoTo LocalError

Dim WhereTo As String
Dim ProjectID As String
Dim rsExporting As DAO.Recordset
Dim NoOfRecords As Integer
Dim NoOfWorksheets As Integer
Dim stDocName As String
Dim strFilter As String
Dim strSaveFileName As String

strFilter = ahtAddFilterItem(strFilter, "Excel File (*.xls)", "*.xls")
strSaveFileName = ahtCommonFileOpenSave( _
OpenFile:=False, _
Filter:=strFilter, _
Me.import = strSaveFileName

WhereTo = [Forms]![form1]![import]

If WhereTo = "NoFile" Then Exit Sub

DoCmd.RunMacro "BDCappend"
Set rsExporting = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("BDC")

With rsExporting
NoOfRecords = rsExporting.RecordCount
End With

'================================================= =====
'Insert the data from the temptable to the excel sheet
'================================================= =====

Dim CellRef As Integer
Dim NoOfLoops As Integer

openexcel ("C:\Documents and Settings\James\Desktop\New Folder\Logistics CDI
xl.UserControl = False 'Doesnt allow user any control whilst we run our update
xl.Worksheets.SELECT 'Select the BDC Worksheet

'This section inserts the correct number of rows into the body of the
NoOfLoops = NoOfRecords - 1
Do Until NoOfLoops = 0
xl.Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown
xl.Selection.Copy 'need to copy the forumlas too, so cant just insert new rows
xl.Application.CutCopyMode = False 'takes the flashing cell thing away
NoOfLoops = NoOfLoops - 1

'This Loop section inserts the Data
CellRef = 12 'Starts at 12 because that is the start of the area i want to
insert into
NoOfLoops = NoOfRecords
With rsExporting
Do Until NoOfLoops = 0
xl.Range("A" & CellRef & "").Value = rsExporting![CDI ID]
xl.Range("B" & CellRef & "").Value = rsExporting![Date]
xl.Range("J" & CellRef & "").Value = rsExporting![Corp]
xl.Range("K" & CellRef & "").Value = rsExporting![Account#]
xl.Range("C" & CellRef & "").Value = rsExporting![Org]
xl.Range("E" & CellRef & "").Value = rsExporting![Locator]
xl.Range("D" & CellRef & "").Value = rsExporting![SubInventory]
xl.Range("H" & CellRef & "").Value = rsExporting![Box Status]
xl.Range("G" & CellRef & "").Value = rsExporting![Serial Number]
xl.Range("F" & CellRef & "").Value = rsExporting![Part #]
xl.Range("I" & CellRef & "").Value = rsExporting![Operator ID]
CellRef = CellRef + 1
NoOfLoops = NoOfLoops - 1
End With

xl.UserControl = True 'Give control back to the user

MsgBox "Exporting BDC is completed!", vbOKOnly, "Export Completed"
DoCmd.Close A_FORM, "form1"
xl.Visible = True

Set xl = Nothing
Set rsExporting = Nothing
Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Number & vbCr & vbCr & Err.Description
Resume LocalExit

End Sub

openexcel module:
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Public xl As Object 'This is how you will refer to the object once it is open

Function openexcel(strLocation)

Set xl = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

xl.Visible = False 'Makes the spreasheet visible. False will let you open
'it behind the scenes

xl.Workbooks.Add strLocation
'xl.Workbooks.Add 'Will Create a new workbook
End Function
Hi Justin,

One source of your troubles is that you get strSaveFileName and put it
in the strangely-named textbox Me.import - and then do nothing more with
it. I would have expected something like

xl.Workbooks(1).SaveAs strSaveFileName

towards the end of the procedure.

Also, the line
If WhereTo = "NoFile" Then Exit Sub
is clumsy and unreliable. Better to dump the WhereTo variable and use

If Len(strSaveFileName) = 0 Then
'User cancelled the File Save As dialog
Exit Sub
End If

I need some assistance
I have a database where I need to export a table to excel. One of my
coworkers gave me this code where it takes the data from table and export it
to excel, and placing it whereever. now my problem is that whenever we do the
exporting, it is going to that same sheet and keeps adding it. I've tried to
add the save-as dialog window but it seem not to work, cause it is still
going to that same sheet.
I'm trying to have that sheet just be the template but have a save-as dialog
window open to have the user give the file a name and not overwirte the

MAybe im doing something wrong, please help
here is the code Im using:
Private Sub cmdExport_Click()
On Error GoTo LocalError

Dim WhereTo As String
Dim ProjectID As String
Dim rsExporting As DAO.Recordset
Dim NoOfRecords As Integer
Dim NoOfWorksheets As Integer
Dim stDocName As String
Dim strFilter As String
Dim strSaveFileName As String

strFilter = ahtAddFilterItem(strFilter, "Excel File (*.xls)", "*.xls")
strSaveFileName = ahtCommonFileOpenSave( _
OpenFile:=False, _
Filter:=strFilter, _
Me.import = strSaveFileName

WhereTo = [Forms]![form1]![import]

If WhereTo = "NoFile" Then Exit Sub

DoCmd.RunMacro "BDCappend"
Set rsExporting = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("BDC")

With rsExporting
NoOfRecords = rsExporting.RecordCount
End With

'================================================= =====
'Insert the data from the temptable to the excel sheet
'================================================= =====

Dim CellRef As Integer
Dim NoOfLoops As Integer

openexcel ("C:\Documents and Settings\James\Desktop\New Folder\Logistics CDI
xl.UserControl = False 'Doesnt allow user any control whilst we run our update
xl.Worksheets.SELECT 'Select the BDC Worksheet

'This section inserts the correct number of rows into the body of the
NoOfLoops = NoOfRecords - 1
Do Until NoOfLoops = 0
xl.Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown
xl.Selection.Copy 'need to copy the forumlas too, so cant just insert new rows
xl.Application.CutCopyMode = False 'takes the flashing cell thing away
NoOfLoops = NoOfLoops - 1

'This Loop section inserts the Data
CellRef = 12 'Starts at 12 because that is the start of the area i want to
insert into
NoOfLoops = NoOfRecords
With rsExporting
Do Until NoOfLoops = 0
xl.Range("A" & CellRef & "").Value = rsExporting![CDI ID]
xl.Range("B" & CellRef & "").Value = rsExporting![Date]
xl.Range("J" & CellRef & "").Value = rsExporting![Corp]
xl.Range("K" & CellRef & "").Value = rsExporting![Account#]
xl.Range("C" & CellRef & "").Value = rsExporting![Org]
xl.Range("E" & CellRef & "").Value = rsExporting![Locator]
xl.Range("D" & CellRef & "").Value = rsExporting![SubInventory]
xl.Range("H" & CellRef & "").Value = rsExporting![Box Status]
xl.Range("G" & CellRef & "").Value = rsExporting![Serial Number]
xl.Range("F" & CellRef & "").Value = rsExporting![Part #]
xl.Range("I" & CellRef & "").Value = rsExporting![Operator ID]
CellRef = CellRef + 1
NoOfLoops = NoOfLoops - 1
End With

xl.UserControl = True 'Give control back to the user

MsgBox "Exporting BDC is completed!", vbOKOnly, "Export Completed"
DoCmd.Close A_FORM, "form1"
xl.Visible = True

Set xl = Nothing
Set rsExporting = Nothing
Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Number & vbCr & vbCr & Err.Description
Resume LocalExit

End Sub

openexcel module:
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Public xl As Object 'This is how you will refer to the object once it is open

Function openexcel(strLocation)

Set xl = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

xl.Visible = False 'Makes the spreasheet visible. False will let you open
'it behind the scenes

xl.Workbooks.Add strLocation
'xl.Workbooks.Add 'Will Create a new workbook
End Function