saving web pages as .html



Hi - i just bought Frontpage 2002 and it keeps
automatically saving all my web pages as .htm files. I
want it to save my web pages as .html files. How can I do
this? I've been to properties and options and can't figure
it out! HELP!

Steve Easton

It makes no difference, with the exception
of the "default" home page after the site is published.!!

Thomas A. Rowe

Not possible to change. Also the only page that would need the .html
extension, is your default document (home page), the remainder of your pages
should work just fine with a .htm extensions.


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, Forums, WebCircle,
MS KB Quick Links, etc.


Is there some particular reason you want them saved as .html files?
It really makes no difference which way you go. HTM is just fine.
BUT..... to change them, go to folder view, right-click, do Rename, and change
them to .html. It will ask you if you really want to do that.... say yes.


Hi - i just bought Frontpage 2002 and it keeps
automatically saving all my web pages as .htm files. I
want it to save my web pages as .html files. How can I do
this? I've been to properties and options and can't figure
it out! HELP!

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