Saving to Computer.

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I am trying to save a project that contains audio and video clips to my
computer but it keeps coming up with 900 seconds remaining etc. I have
converted the audio and deleted clips that may have been the problem yet it
continues to do this. This has never happened before but this is a new comp
and the clips used to work fine on the previous computer. Is there any way to
save my video?>
Could be a lot of different reasons for this.

1) You already looked for problem clips but just to be sure what filetypes
(extensions) are in your project?

2) It could be that the project is too complex.
Approximately how many clips (Image, Video, Audio) are in the project and
how many transitions?
How long is the project in minutes?
If complexity is the issue try splitting the project into smaller
workable segments and bringing them together in the end.
I have written a step-by-step How To for this on my website.

3) Computers are now generally formatted NTSC from the factory but just to
be certain look at your harddrive properties
in "My Computer" to make sure it isn't formatted FAT32. If it is then you
have a 4GB filesize limit that may be causing the problem.

Hope that helps
I have 38 video clips all less than a minute long, one audio song and no
transitions. Thoe whole prject is 5:48 length and I have done work like this
before on my old comp no problem. I dont know what format my clips are in but
i think they are .mpeg and .wmv. I dont know how to find the format in My
Computer though.
BabeandJamie4Ever said:
I have 38 video clips all less than a minute long, one
audio song and no transitions. Thoe whole prject is 5:48
length and I have done work like this before on my old
comp no problem. I dont know what format my clips are in
but i think they are .mpeg and .wmv. I dont know how to
find the format in My Computer though.
The file extension is the format...
Example...Birthday Party.wmv
is an 'wmv' file.

If you do not see the extensions...
open a folder and go to...Tools /
Folder Options / View tab...

"Hide extensions for know file types"/
Apply / OK.

If the files are MPEG...that may be
the problem...have a look at the
following articles:

Movie Maker 2 - Importing MPEG Files

MM2 - Problem Solving - 'Can't Save A Movie'


******John Inzer********
**MS Picture It! MVP**

*****Digital Image******
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I checked the extensions at they are .wmv and .mpg. I tried converting them
with a program in the first link you gave and it still will not save. I then
tried to save two different movies that have a mix of the .wmv and .mpg files
and it will save. So I dont think it is the clips then, I have also converted
the audio and it still will not save. All I have is audio and clips, do you
have any ideas as to what makes this movie different from any other?
BabeandJamie4Ever said:
I checked the extensions at they are .wmv and .mpg. I
tried converting them with a program in the first link
you gave and it still will not save. I then tried to save
two different movies that have a mix of the .wmv and .mpg
files and it will save. So I dont think it is the clips
then, I have also converted the audio and it still will
not save. All I have is audio and clips, do you have any
ideas as to what makes this movie different from any
One or more of the files included in the
project must be causing the problem. The
info in the articles I posted is the best I can
offer, maybe someone else will have some

******John Inzer********
**MS Picture It! MVP**

*****Digital Image******
Highlights and FAQs

This is not tech support
........I am a volunteer.......

Solutions that work for
me may not work for you.

Proceed at your own risk.

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No John is probably right.
Since you have MPG's in the project they are probably the problem as they
tend to be unpredictable in WMM.
MPEG Type 1 files will sometimes work and sometimes not and they fail at
different times in the process.
MPEG Type 2 files do not work.
Get those MPEG's converted to AVI or WMV and the problem will likely go
For conversion check out this site: