MM can only make Highmat CD's...at this time, and its probably never going
to change, you can only play them on your computer.
Using a program called Nero you can make a mini DVD and burn it to a CD.
You are able to edit the bitrate (quality) and get several minutes onto a
CD. Its a neat workaround but quite limited when compared to a normal DVD.
Nero of course does just about everything you could ever think of doing
with a DVD or CD. It can be obtained from
Dependent upon where you are in the world DVD burners from the high street
are becoming fairly cheap. Purchasing them over the internet is cheaper but
if you buy an OEM drive it may come without the necessary cables and
support should you need it. Connecting them up though is very easy. If you
buy a non OEM it is possible that it will come with the necessary DVD
writing software. That software though will most likely be one or more
versions out of date and is included to temp you to buy the current version