Saving the Movie CD

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mel
  • Start date Start date


I am attending a class on Windows Movie making.

With the instructor guidance, I saved my work on the CD.
In fact when the saving process is completed, the system
let me see a preview of what was saved on the CD. So my
project is on the CD - anyway it was when I left my

Taking this same CD home, I opened it and couldn't find
the file that I saved in class. It is very very
frustrating in going through the process of saving with
Windows Movie Making.

The above is one issue.

My second issue is,

I bring home my completed task for that night at school
on my CD and bring it home. I insert the CD in my home
PC and click the file. When it is all downloaded, I see
a bunch "red Xs" in the spot where my personal pictures
was. Well, it was there the last time I looked in class.

If anyone know the solutions, please email me.


Does anyone has a solution to what I did or did not do

A mm maker project is list of which files you ar using and where they are
located, if your teacher hasn't mentioned this then I'd ask him/her at your
next visit!!! I'm not sure as to exctly what you may have saved on the cd,
was it a finished movie? or just teh project? regardless if you open up
windows explorer and view the files, if it was there when you left it'll be
there now. What does this show is on the cd?
The red x's means MM cannot find the files that it is looking for. Where
these taken from a hdd on the teaching pc? In order for you to transport the
movie everywhere and work on it, you'd need all the files on that cd, so any
movie/pictures etc etc....