Saving the Internet Explorer Favorites order


Stuart Halliday

I did have all my favorites in IE6 on Win2000 sp4 in my particular order.

But today I find my Links toolbar is showing them in alphabetical order.

How can I get my old order back?

Is there a utility that saves the order or a OS file I can restore?

Is it a registry setting? Does anyone know?

Or am I just the odd one out here as I don't want my Favs in alpha order?


Robert Aldwinckle

am I just the odd one out here as I don't want my Favs in alpha order?

I find searching is faster when they aren't in alpha order.
E.g. I learn the minimum number of keystrokes to find ones I use
frequently or move them higher in the list to allow some to be found
even quicker.

I have never tried using a sorted order so I don't know if you need
to try unchecking the Sort option (e.g. in the same way that you check it
to choose the sort option). Supposedly just dragging a Favorite shortcut
to a different place in the list is sufficient to turn it off. Alternatively, it looks
as if you should also be able to use right-click Cut and Paste too.

Good luck

Robert Aldwinckle

Stuart Halliday

Robert Aldwinckle said:
I have never tried using a sorted order so I don't know if you need
to try unchecking the Sort option (e.g. in the same way that you check it
to choose the sort option). Supposedly just dragging a Favorite shortcut
to a different place in the list is sufficient to turn it off.
Alternatively, it looks
as if you should also be able to use right-click Cut and Paste too.

But there *must* be a file somewhere in Windows which stores the
current order of favorites. I just need to discover which file and
save it.

Microsoft don't make their software easy to use do they?

Give me RISC OS any day....Oh hum.

Dr. John

Have the same issue ( Links entries will not stay manually sorted) and
searching everwhere has yet to yeild a viable answer. WHAT IS THE MVP

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