Saving Text Messages

Mar 5, 2004
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Does anyone know if there is a way of saving txt messages externally? I have the Sony Ericsson K800i and have about 1000 txts in my inbox and its now full. I dont want to delete them all cause there are some i want to keep, but i cant be bothered going through and finding out which ones i want to keep.

So, is there a way of copying them onto computer or something so i can save them and clear my inbox out?


I can manage me inbox and the rest of the phone via the Nokia PC Suite, i assume Sony Ericsson has the same sort of thing?
Best bet is to see if you have a USB cable and get the latest version of the software off the website.
Yes you can sync your PC with the fone and save all messages and contacts onto PC

Read instructions first
Haha, bit of an RTFM feeling from these replies! ;-)

I've got a usb cable and i transfer photos etc around, just wasnt sure if i could do the same with txts. I was just wondering if people did this and how they get saved etc.
Have you used these Ian? Does it just save your txts in a folder on the computer that you can go back and check etc? I want to keep them in the same format etc (ive always hoarded everything!!), but free up my phone.

Yup, I use them both - the first more so as it is much more lightweight. I'm not sure how it stores texts, but I know you can export them to word or whatever you want.

Give it a try as its a really easy app to use :)
bodhi said:

. I dont want to delete them all cause there are some i want to keep,

just out of interest
what makes u want to keep them?

I downloaded the Sony Ericsson one but it doesnt seem to let me access my txt messages. Just seems to let me access photos and music. Any ideas?!! :-/

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