Here's the situation:
I've taken a picture and want to put writing etc. on it. I copy and paste it
into a word document, as it is the only programme I know that works for what
I want. I do the editing and now have a poster type picture (because I've
grouped it all together). Now I want to save that picture as a separate .jpg
(or something) so I can put it on internet, set as background etc.
Is it possible?
I've taken a picture and want to put writing etc. on it. I copy and paste it
into a word document, as it is the only programme I know that works for what
I want. I do the editing and now have a poster type picture (because I've
grouped it all together). Now I want to save that picture as a separate .jpg
(or something) so I can put it on internet, set as background etc.
Is it possible?