Saving onto CD error msg :'project contains source files tt r miss

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I downloaded jpeg pix from c: and ext hard drive F: and one pce of music in
mp3 format. The pix were just nice length for the whole song abt 3 mins.

Tried saving onto CD, it reads 'the project contains source files that are
missing or that have been modified after import. Your project cannot be saved
as a movie until the source files have been located or deleted from the
project. '

Clicking onto the 'save movies' link, dialogue box with message came up:
'the file C:\program files\movie maker\mui\0409\moviemk.chm" could not be
found. Verify that the file has not been deleted, renamed, or moved, and then
try again. ( same message when I click the help topics).

Really looking to resolve this. Have been working on this for 3 days.

Can someone help?
Did you still have the F drive connected so it could read the files from it?
HAve you any red X's on the timeline?
Not sure about the bit about the .chm file, it's a html help page file, so
obviously you don't have the help installed for some reason, but why it
should come up when you try to save a movie I have no idea.

Graham Hughes
MVP Digital Media
In addition this error sometimes appears when using MP3's (I know the
message doesn't read like it has anything to do with an MP3 but...) maybe
try converting it to WAV and see if that works. Some have also reported
problems with JPG images and have needed to convert those to BMP's to make
them work.
Hi Graham,

I had the f: drive linked and had all the Red "X"s deleted. What i did later
was to test with JUST 4 pix and it worked. I read somewhere that too much
transitions and effects may cause problem. I had prob 30 pix and EACH has a
transition and effect. I did one previous project on a labtop and it works
well. Is there a limitation in movie maker?

Anyway, I downloaded the service pack 2/3 (thought I saw 3), the help topic
still not working. I also went to for movie maker and the
help topic still does not work - same message: C:\program files\movie
maker\mui\0409\moviemk.chm" could not be found. Verify that the file has not
been deleted, renamed, or moved, and then try again.

Any further insightful ideas?
Personally I'd use photostory, also free from MS, to make still picture
sequences, adn if you then needed movie maker to do anything save the still
project out as a wmv movie and import it into MM.
There can be a mix of pc spec and too much in MM, casuing trouble. Only way
to find the limit on your pc is to keep adding a bit at a time.
Try here for help
on ensuring all of MM is installed. Scroll to bottom of the page and click
on Dean Rowes weblog.

Graham Hughes
MVP Digital Media