Saving my movie

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I have been working on a movie since August and now I have finished and I
need to save it as one complete file. However since then we have bought a new
computer and though i copied the movie clips i was using onto the new
computer they are obviously not in the same place as when i first added them
so now it won't save, is tyhere anyway to get round this problem?
Do you have red X's in the timeline in place of the clips?
If so right click on one of them and select "Browse for missing file" then
locate the clip. Usually after doing this with one or two of them the rest
are automatic.
If there are no red X's then there is something else that is wrong so we
will need to know if you are getting an error message or what exactly is
happening when you try to save your movie.
No all the clips are there, I just get a error message after I've chosen all
of the specifications for saving saying it can't save as some of the files
ive used have been moved or deleted. I looked in "help" and it said all the
clips have to be in exactly the same place on my computer as when i added
them to my movie, since i have changed computers this is impossible. Any
Well if you are seeing the clips in the timeline instead of the red X's then
it isn't actually a problem with the location of the source files. This
error message is one I truly hope Microsoft has taken care of with the
version of Movie Maker packaged with Vista when it comes out. The message,
in many cases, does not properly state what the problem really is. More
often than not you get this message when one or more of your clips are
either not compatible with Movie Maker or are corrupt.
What filetypes (extensions) are you using in your project?
How long is the project in minutes as well as # of clips/transitions?
What are your computer specs?

Have a look at my website in the "Movie Maker -> Trouble Shooting -> Can't
Save a Movie" section.
I know all the file types are correct because its taken me since the summer
to collect enough files that would actually open, none of these seemed to
have a problem. There is ALOT of clips in it. The song is abour 2 minutes 30
and the longest clip is about 9 secs. There is only one transition. Im sorry
but i dnt no the specs of my computer and I can't check cos Im not on it at
the mo but It is only a couple of months old and is a Dell if that helps.
The clips opening doesn't necessarily mean they are ok (MPEG clips will
sometimes open but sometimes will still cause this error message when you
save the movie, and the same thing with MP3 but not as often)
A lot of clips could mean the project is too complex for the resources
available but usually is not the case if there is only one transition.
Another thing to check, and you really can't until the computer is available
to you, is to find out if the harddrive is formatted FAT32 or NTFS because
if it is FAT32 it will only allow a 4GB maximum filesize and this would
cause a problem when saving. Generally you don't get the error message you
are describing when the max filesize is a problem but it is still a
possibility. To check for this right click the harddrive in "My Computer"
and click Properties to see what type of file system the harddrive is
formatted for.
As I said FAT32 likely is not the cause and without transitions complexity
is probably not it either which leaves filetypes as the most likely suspect.
But you could also have a look at Papajohn's website:
"Can't Save a Movie" in case I missed something.