Saving montage to AVI file

  • Thread starter Thread starter JW
  • Start date Start date


I have searched in the threads for an answer but i couldn't find any. The
problem is that i can't save my montage as a AVI file on my computer and the
same problem occurs when i try to save it on a tape (back to the DV cam).
Yes I have plenty of room on my HD (55gb). The partition is NTFS. My
computer has a Core2 Duo 1,8mhz and 1gb RAM.
What can be the problem.
I also use pinnacle studio 9, but i guess it shouldn't conflict with
I guess it has something to do with size. I made a very small montage and
then i worked, but is there a solution to do the whole montage (35 min,
including FX and music) on DV?
JW said:
I have searched in the threads for an answer but i couldn't find any.
The problem is that i can't save my montage as a AVI file on my
computer and the same problem occurs when i try to save it on a tape
(back to the DV cam). Yes I have plenty of room on my HD (55gb). The
partition is NTFS. My computer has a Core2 Duo 1,8mhz and 1gb RAM.
What can be the problem.
I also use pinnacle studio 9, but i guess it shouldn't conflict with
I guess it has something to do with size. I made a very small montage
and then i worked, but is there a solution to do the whole montage
(35 min, including FX and music) on DV?
To save as an .avi movie file...
(and several other options)
Type...Ctrl+P to open the Save Movie Wizard /
Choose...My Computer /
Next /
Enter a Name and a Save Location /
Next /
Show More Choices /
Other Settings /
Open the drop window and choose...DV-AVI /
Next /
Wait while the movie is saved /

If you have problems saving...maybe the
following articles will offer some ideas:

MM2 - Problem Solving -
'Can't Save A Movie'

File type compatibility
with Movie Maker


John Inzer
MS Picture It! -
Digital Image MVP

Digital Image
Highlights and FAQs

This is not tech support
I am a volunteer

Solutions that work for
me may not work for you

Proceed at your own risk
John Inzer said:
To save as an .avi movie file...
(and several other options)
Type...Ctrl+P to open the Save Movie Wizard /
Choose...My Computer /
Next /
Enter a Name and a Save Location /
Next /
Show More Choices /
Other Settings /
Open the drop window and choose...DV-AVI /
Next /
Wait while the movie is saved /

Thanks for answering. It took a while to do some tests and reading the
Yes I know how it works as I wrote that it does work with smaller sized
montages. But it seems to me that the larger the montage the more problems
for WMM if I want to save it as a AVI file. I just tried it with a small
montage (almost 8 minutes and some graphics, fades and so on) and then it's
working. But it is strange that it can't handle a montage of 35 min with
footage that is also AVI (60 min is like a 13gb file)
The links haven't provide the answer yet. It's like reading a book and too
complicated. My MEM use is OK (average 55%) and also the SWAP (no
addressing) during these small AVI files (during processing to a wmv format
the usage is much higher: CPU 90% and swop mem 1,3 GB = 60%). I am just
curious what the problem can be and why the software is so annoyingly bad
for users.
Sorry for being kind of rude and negative, but it irritates me that a Bill G
product just isn't doing what I aspect it should do. And than the helpfile
isn't helping out either.
Is it possible that it the montage file itself is corrupted. That I have to
redo the montage? Or that the AVI files which have been imported and stored
on my computer aren't OK.... The message says: are the source files still
OK, is the location for storage still intact and/or is there enough space on
the HD. On the other hand I just saved the same montage in the 2 mbps wmv
format (one of the choices) than there isn't any problem. So the source
files should be intact. What is the problem with the AVI file????
That's that,
JW said:
Thanks for answering. It took a while to do some tests and reading the
Yes I know how it works as I wrote that it does work with smaller
sized montages. But it seems to me that the larger the montage the
more problems for WMM if I want to save it as a AVI file. I just
tried it with a small montage (almost 8 minutes and some graphics,
fades and so on) and then it's working. But it is strange that it
can't handle a montage of 35 min with footage that is also AVI (60
min is like a 13gb file) The links haven't provide the answer yet. It's
like reading a book
and too complicated. My MEM use is OK (average 55%) and also the SWAP
(no addressing) during these small AVI files (during processing to a
wmv format the usage is much higher: CPU 90% and swop mem 1,3 GB =
60%). I am just curious what the problem can be and why the software
is so annoyingly bad for users.
Sorry for being kind of rude and negative, but it irritates me that a
Bill G product just isn't doing what I aspect it should do. And than
the helpfile isn't helping out either.
Is it possible that it the montage file itself is corrupted. That I
have to redo the montage? Or that the AVI files which have been
imported and stored on my computer aren't OK.... The message says:
are the source files still OK, is the location for storage still
intact and/or is there enough space on the HD. On the other hand I
just saved the same montage in the 2 mbps wmv format (one of the
choices) than there isn't any problem. So the source files should be
intact. What is the problem with the AVI file???? That's that,
Maybe these articles will offer ideas.

Movie Maker 2 -
Importing AVI Files

File type compatibility with Movie Maker


John Inzer
MS Picture It! -
Digital Image MVP

Digital Image
Highlights and FAQs

This is not tech support
I am a volunteer

Solutions that work for
me may not work for you

Proceed at your own risk
John Inzer said:
Maybe these articles will offer ideas.

Movie Maker 2 -
Importing AVI Files

File type compatibility with Movie Maker
I checked this info. Thanks for helping me, but the answer is that I am
capturing DV tapes in DV-AVI (firewire connection) on my computer. I even
bought an extra internal HD for that purpose. There is no trouble open them
with mediaplayder. So what i read is that WMM should not have problems with
these files. When I do the montage I use the DV-AVI footage, no MPEG
compressing or other formats. And then I try to get it stored into AVI
again. At that point the problem occurs. See also the information in my
other post before this one. In some cases I can save it in AVI and in some I
can't.... The capturing is with pinnacle studio 9., but that shouldn't be
the problem because it can read the source files...
JW said:
I checked this info. Thanks for helping me, but the answer is that I am
capturing DV tapes in DV-AVI (firewire connection) on my computer. I even
bought an extra internal HD for that purpose. There is no trouble open
them with mediaplayder. So what i read is that WMM should not have
problems with these files. When I do the montage I use the DV-AVI footage,
no MPEG compressing or other formats. And then I try to get it stored into
AVI again. At that point the problem occurs. See also the information in
my other post before this one. In some cases I can save it in AVI and in
some I can't.... The capturing is with pinnacle studio 9., but that
shouldn't be the problem because it can read the source files...

Not an expert, but I have read about a WMM problem with projects that are
too 'complex' -- large files, many clips, many photos, etc. You might want
to look at this web site to research the problem:


A caveat: I have not personally experienced this 'complexity barrier'....the
longest movie I have made is about 30 minutes with about 30 transitions &
John Hanley said:
Not an expert, but I have read about a WMM problem with projects that are
too 'complex' -- large files, many clips, many photos, etc. You might
want to look at this web site to research the problem:


A caveat: I have not personally experienced this 'complexity
barrier'....the longest movie I have made is about 30 minutes with about
30 transitions & effects.
Topic not yet solved

Ok thanks for being so helpful!
For me it is late and I redo the whole montage in studio 9.
But the fun thing about WMM is that it is easy to use and simple tricks,
like the crossfading of two tracks just by pulling them towards eachother.
That's what I like.
But these problems make it less attractive.
I will check these links and if I have a solution I will post it.
Hi TO break a complcated project into subprojects all you have to do is
save several copies of the same project, open each one and delete from
or after a selected time point.

Save eachproject and render it to an AVI or WMV. Afterwards create a new
project and bring all these "sub-renders" (videos saved from each
project). Place the on timeline and render one last time.

(Render = Save As Movie, Ctrl-P or from menu File->Save As Movie).