Saving Macro's

  • Thread starter Thread starter Daria Rutkowski-Nitsch
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Daria Rutkowski-Nitsch

Does anyone know how to save a macro to a folder that
multiple users can access without storing it in the
workbook you might use it in? The save doesn't seem to
have a browse out. Thanks
Macros live in workbooks. But you can have workbooks that contain no data in
any of the worksheets. They just have macro code.

If you save your macro in that type of workbook, then you can tell the users to
open that workbook and hit alt-F8 (tools|macro|macros) and run the macros need.

When it becomes difficult to maintain, you may want to look at John Walkenbach's
MenuMaker workbook. It's a really neat (and simple) way of adding options to
the menubar. Looks very slick and professional.
True, but this doesn't sound like something that would require code to
export the sheets.

Tom Ogilvy