' Add the sorted, non-duplicated items to a ListBox
For Each Item In mstrList
frmName_Contractors.lbDataCode.AddItem Item
Next Item
at this point (first time through) the user is presented with
principally a 2 column listbox. Col 1 has the lbDataCode
values and the user types their required new names into
Col 2.
Whenever they run this code in future on that book, they
have to retype their required new names again, from scratch.
So after the first time through, could I save the values in Cols
1 and 2 to a range on a sheet in the book, and then check for
the existence of that range, and if it exists then populate the
I would need to check the saved Col 1 data against the new
Col 1 entries, in case user had made any changes, and
I could prompt the user "Do you wish to use previous values?"
instead of automatically loading the old names.
This is the best I can think of. How would I save the listbox
values and then use them to reload the listbox in the future,
For Each Item In mstrList
frmName_Contractors.lbDataCode.AddItem Item
Next Item
at this point (first time through) the user is presented with
principally a 2 column listbox. Col 1 has the lbDataCode
values and the user types their required new names into
Col 2.
Whenever they run this code in future on that book, they
have to retype their required new names again, from scratch.
So after the first time through, could I save the values in Cols
1 and 2 to a range on a sheet in the book, and then check for
the existence of that range, and if it exists then populate the
I would need to check the saved Col 1 data against the new
Col 1 entries, in case user had made any changes, and
I could prompt the user "Do you wish to use previous values?"
instead of automatically loading the old names.
This is the best I can think of. How would I save the listbox
values and then use them to reload the listbox in the future,