Rich Bail
After typing a label or envelope address and then printing it, the prior
typing is gone and the 'Envelopes and Labels' option closes. Any typos
discovered (and I make quite a few) requires reopening it and retyping.
Any way to HOLD the typed entry until I choose to close, as is the mode on
all other WORD as well as other MS programs. Your suggestion that I improve
my typing and editing is not required. I KNOW. I KNOW!
typing is gone and the 'Envelopes and Labels' option closes. Any typos
discovered (and I make quite a few) requires reopening it and retyping.
Any way to HOLD the typed entry until I choose to close, as is the mode on
all other WORD as well as other MS programs. Your suggestion that I improve
my typing and editing is not required. I KNOW. I KNOW!