Saving individual pictures from a powerpoint slideshow



Hi there

Someone sent me an email with a .pps file attachment that contains a
slideshow of wonderful pictures. I want to save the individual pictures from
that slideshow so that I can view only the pictures that I want to... is this




First, open PowerPoint.
Then, click File > Open. Look for the .pps file.
Click File > Save As.
Under Save as type, select Webpage.
Look into the output folder for all the pictures.

Is that what you want?
Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP PowerPoint)

Site Updated: April 13, 2006
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PowerPoint Heaven - The Power to Animate

Michael Koerner

If you have the full version of PowerPoint, you can do as tohlz suggests But
if your just using the PowerPoint viewer, then I'm afraid your out of luck,
other than trying to do a screen capture from each slide and pasting into a
paint program

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Michael Koerner [MS PPT MVP]

| Hi there
| Someone sent me an email with a .pps file attachment that contains a
| slideshow of wonderful pictures. I want to save the individual pictures
| that slideshow so that I can view only the pictures that I want to... is
| possible?
| Thanks
| Raj


No, just wanted to save the individual pictures as .jpg or .jpeg into a
folder and then use "view as thumbnails" option to select and view... thanks


Hi Michael... how can I check if I have got a full version or just the
viewer? Thanks...


What PowerPoint version are you using?
If you are using 2002/XP and above,
Open PowerPoint first.
Then click File > Open. Look for the .pps file. Click Open.
Look into the slides for pictures that you want to save.
Right click on these pictures, select Save as Picture.
Then, save the picture into a folder.
Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP PowerPoint)

Site Updated: April 13, 2006
Added new portfolio
PowerPoint Heaven - The Power to Animate


Check this out:
"Where's PowerPoint?"
Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP PowerPoint)

Site Updated: April 13, 2006
Added new portfolio
PowerPoint Heaven - The Power to Animate

Raj Mazumdar said:
Hi Michael... how can I check if I have got a full version or just the
viewer? Thanks...

Michael Koerner said:
If you have the full version of PowerPoint, you can do as tohlz suggests But
if your just using the PowerPoint viewer, then I'm afraid your out of luck,
other than trying to do a screen capture from each slide and pasting into a
paint program

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Michael Koerner [MS PPT MVP]

| Hi there
| Someone sent me an email with a .pps file attachment that contains a
| slideshow of wonderful pictures. I want to save the individual pictures
| that slideshow so that I can view only the pictures that I want to... is
| possible?
| Thanks
| Raj


Thanks, Tohlz... it's working that way... only that I'll have 72 pictures to
do... I suppose that there isn't a shortcut way to do that! Never mind if
there isn't; at least there's a way! Thanks very much...


If you follow my first post to save it as a webpage, the pictures will all be
in the output folder. You will just need to drag all the pictures you want
into another folder, or delete all the unwanted pictures and files. This will
make life easier ;)
Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP PowerPoint)

Site Updated: April 13, 2006
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PowerPoint Heaven - The Power to Animate


You should be saving it as a webpage, not a "Single File Web Page". After
saving it as a webpage, there should be an output folder. Open it and drag
out all the pictures you want into another folder.

Does this help?
Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP PowerPoint)

Site Updated: April 13, 2006
Added new portfolio
PowerPoint Heaven - The Power to Animate


What I did instead was... I opened the file from PPT viewer and then I
selected all the slides at one go and then I used Save As "JPEG File
interchange format" and then it automatically saved individual pictures into
a folder of the same name as the original PPS file... wonderful... is that
what you wanted me to do? Thanks so much... all's well now


That should do the trick if the pictures are covering the entire slide.
But if it doesn't, you will need to save it as a webpage like what I have
posted earlier on.
By the way, if you can create or edit presentations, you are using full
version of PowerPoint. PowerPoint viewer only allows you to view and print
Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP PowerPoint)

Site Updated: April 13, 2006
Added new portfolio
PowerPoint Heaven - The Power to Animate

Michael Koerner

Do a search on your computer for Powerpnt.exe

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Michael Koerner [MS PPT MVP]

| Hi Michael... how can I check if I have got a full version or just the
| viewer? Thanks...
| "Michael Koerner" wrote:
| > If you have the full version of PowerPoint, you can do as tohlz suggests
| > if your just using the PowerPoint viewer, then I'm afraid your out of
| > other than trying to do a screen capture from each slide and pasting
into a
| > paint program
| >
| > --
| > <>Please post all follow-up questions/replies to the newsgroup<>
| > <><>Email unless specifically requested will not be opened<><>
| > <><><>Do Provide The Version Of PowerPoint You Are Using<><><>
| > <><><>Do Not Post Attachments In This Newsgroup<><><>
| > Michael Koerner [MS PPT MVP]
| >
| >
| > | > | Hi there
| > |
| > | Someone sent me an email with a .pps file attachment that contains a
| > | slideshow of wonderful pictures. I want to save the individual
| > from
| > | that slideshow so that I can view only the pictures that I want to...
| > this
| > | possible?
| > |
| > | Thanks
| > |
| > | Raj
| >
| >
| >

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