There's no difference between an .htm and a .html file extension...except
for if your host requires one or the other for your homepage and even then
it's only for the home page all the other pages can be either/and/or
As Steve stated already the AOL icon issue can be fixed with TweakUI but
it's another issue.
More important is; are all your web pages contained within an FP web/site
and not loose pages?
| Hi Andrew, thank you for your response, but I have a concern about the way
| I've saved some of the FP web pages. They have the AOL icon next to the
| name instead of the FP icon.
| When I try to resave them again as HTML, it doesn't work. How can I do
| this? Should I even be concerned about this since they are .htm files?
| We are at crunch time - I'm expected to have 2 web sites up and running
| Marty
| --
| "MARTY" wrote:
| > FrontPage files were saved as webpages. How can I resave as HTML files?
| > to resave, even change the file name, and they are saved again as web
| > instead of HTML.
| > --