Saving Final Movie(s)

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When I am finished editing and whatnot, I attempt to save a piece to my computer (or any other medium, for that matter) using the Save Movie Wizard and I come upon the error, "Windows Movie Maker cannot save the movie to the specified location. Verify that the original source files used in your movie are still available, that the saving location is still available, and that there is enough free disk space available, and then try again."

I know full well that everything is fine regarding the project file, I thought for one second that it may be access priviliges (I'm the only user as it is my computer), and I went to check the permissions of a few folders of interest regarding my file, and I found that a large number of them are marked "read-only." What? These are the files on MY account that I've set to be editable to me. Worst of all, when I uncheck them, they show up checked immediately after I close the Properties dialog box. Hmm....your thoughts on this?

I just want to be able to save these videos....yeesh....thanks!
Hello there,

The files being marked as read only will not affect Movie Maker. The files ARE
only read in any case, nothing is ever done to a source file.

I have had the same problem as you and I discovered that it was because I had
JPeg images in the project. So I did a few tests....Removing the JPeg's did not
work, but converting them all to BMP and re-creating the project afresh did.
That's not very conclusive I know, but when I added one of the original JPeg
files the problem re-appeared. Its still not 100% conclusive but having told
others with the same and similar problems they have in all cases but one found
that converting to bitmap solved there problem