Saving final Movie Clip

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I have problem saving amovie after creating and editing all relevant clips -
i receive a message claiming that it can not save the movie to the specified
location - and i need to verify the original files are still available and
that the saving location is available - and then try again!

I have done this on numerous occassions and all is fine with the original
files, with the original location so i am at a loss to understand why it will
not save!

Please help as my head hurts!


Rhys Morgan
Hi Guys

THanks for the info, have tried the PAPA JOHN site but nothing seems to
work, i have no problem on another pc which is identical in every aspect (RIS
images are very handy) but that machine is having no problem processing the
vdeo clips!!

Will try what you have suggested Graham, thanks again.

PAPA JOHN - i have read through most of your informaiton regarding this, and
re-regsitered all *.dll files you suggest but have the same problem - i am
only trying to combine 4 15 second clips so there should be no real memory
issue - can MM be affected by lack of admin rights? not relating to the
location though, but does an admin have additional permssions to create such
files or is MM a basic progrma that works on all machines?!

Cheers Guys

Hi PapaJohn

thanks again will re-run a movie and check the limits of the page files and


Hi all!
#My problem is driving me nuts and it has certainly takeing the shine off of
Similar to the problem Rhys has...I have spent many houra Editing my first
effort. On saving, I find all clips have been directed to My Videos..Theyu
are there, they ragister as loading but absolutelt nothing comes back into
Timelaine or any part of the screen!!!!I am still waiting for copies of Docs
books,,which I hope might help. If anyone could help it would be fabulous
Many thanks--
Sorry about this. In totally the wrong place but I can see nowhere in the
home page where I am able to ask my questions.
1. How should I do this
2 Ref..Loss of Clips:

I am getting pretty desperate at not being able to recal many hours of hard
work in WMM.

All my clips were saved and remain in the Project File. When I try to OPEN a
little window pops up, checks Clips and opens the clip.. Timeline shivers but
no pictures appear?? I am getting very, very disappointed with WMM, a
programme I have been looking forward to using for a very long time. Could
someone out there PLEASE TELL ME HOW TO GET MY CLIPS BACK…….Many thanks D
I do apologise for entering this in the wrong place.
Hi PapaJohn,
Thanks for a little light into solving the Big problem, I am greener than
you could possibly imagine at this!!My files were directly downloaded into
WMM from my camcorder, so I guess they might be DV-AVI? Perhaps you could let
me know how I can chack this?
I am hoping your books, which I ahve been waiting for for over a week, will
help with many of the problem i, as a greenry, will encounter with WMM. I
have to say these problems certainly do not help the establishment of WMM top
my friends.
As you have the clips in a project, you had to first have them in a
collection.... check the properties of the source file in the collection
using a right mouse clip > Properties... it'll tell you a bit about the

Does it play OK if you preview the clip in the collection?

My books are about the basics of using Movie Maker, assuming things are
working OK... my website and the forums/newsgroups are the places to check
if you run into problems.

Movie Maker 2 and Photo Story 3 website -
MM2 Tips and Tricks:
Online Newsletters:
In collection (all OK),Properties box tells me I have a collection of
"pictures",imported from still shots. Also "Video with Audio".That imported
straight from camcorder, No other info available. Search will not even give
me WMM file, let alone the other files associated with WMM.I have found clips
in Video...they will only play as Video even when transfered to another
All information is a great help to me.Many thanks. However,I cannot proceed
any further with WMM intil I am able to find my lost files and know how to
avoid the same thing happening everytime I try to do something. It might help
if I could find the" movie maker project file" refered to in tutorials??My
computer is not able to find this file. I have tried at least a couple of
dozen times...but "no results are found". WHY ON EARTH does Microsoft make
thing so very difficult in what appears to be a very good programme,IF you
have the knoeledge and experience to understand it....Someone Please Help Me
Find my project files.
when you right click on a clip in a collection or project
timeline/storyboard, the Properties include the Source File Location, the
drive, path and file name.

That's enough info to find it on your computer using the search feature. You
can explore your recycle bin too to see if it's there... if not in either
place, you'll need to get it again.

Movie Maker 2 and Photo Story 3 website -
MM2 Tips and Tricks:
Online Newsletters:
Darcy, take a deep deep breathe.....someone has to put the shine back on
Movie Maker for you! ha ha Read your books when you get them, but you'll
also find that Movie Maker is one of the most intuitive pieces of software
around. In the end you will enjoy it immensely if you make and enjoy
editing video. If you don't believe that I'll share my Adobe Premiere and
Sony Vegas with you, and then let you tell me that Movie Maker is
maddening.... ha ha ha Anyway....just a few observations in the midst of
your turmoil.....

You said ''on saving, I find all clips have been directed to My Videos''
The project file is there because that is where you 'chose' to save it when
you saved your project. It is also the default folder for projects. It is
where I save all of mine. You also say that your projects are there, but
nothing comes back into the timeline or any part of the screen. The project
file 'links' to your original files to reproduce your work but it knows the
location of those files at the time you worked on the project only. So, they
should work correctly. However, one of your later posts sounded as if you
'changed' the location of your original capture files. You said ''they will
only play as Video even when transfered to another folder'......could it be
that you transferred your original files to another folder, and that is the
reason your project cannot find the original clips? PapaJohn's post shows
the way to find the Source File location by right clicking on a clip ....if
they show in your collections, then the original files are still there
somewhere...very likely that other folder that you spoke of 'transferring' to.
Good luck with all long as you didnt delete anything they are
there somewhere. Before you get your books, try using the 'help' section of
Movie Maker, and reading that when you have some time. And before you know
it, all this video making stuff will become old hat to you. Thats when the
fun begins....learning new tricks to use and share....and making awesome
Thanks very much for your guidance.Delay in reply has been caused because of
two reasons: Continual problem in gaining access to the group..M problem. I
have to use my computer on an extension telephone ncable which will not
accept Wanadoo Broadband!!Any ideas?
Your info was very helpful but I was noit able to resolve problems. After
many attempts I redid the whole thing. This time I followed the book again
(Heroes),and find that if Ijust Save Project and Exit WMM all works OK next
time.Trouble is my project is now very long,and I am scared stiff about
closing it to start another Project (to make smaller amount of clips in
different sections),in case I lose the lot all over again. There MUST be an
answer somewhere? Any further ideas d?
Many thanks for your help..........Darcy