I would appreciate help from you experts out there on this one!
I have a read-only excel file which users use as an template to enter
information & then store the files in a directory after giving them easy to
identify names of individual persons.
Cell A1 contains the first & last name of the person (eg John Doe)
Cell A2 contains an unique identifier number (eg 12345)
In order to have uniformity of file names (rather than users giving them
names on their own), I am using the following code in a macro button (called
Save) placed on the sheet to generate a file name based on contents of cells
A1 & A2
ThisWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:="c:\My documents\Special Folder\" &
Range("a1") & "- No " & Range("A2") & ".xls"
This works well & gives the blank template a filename such as "John
Doe -12345.xls" & saves it in the appropriate directory. However once the
file is saved with this name & the user clicks on the Macro button (Save)
next time, it displays the Excel message, which alerts the user that the
file already exists & asks whether you want to replace it with choices of ,
"yes", "no" or "cancel". Selecting "no" or "canel" results in an Run time
error. What additional code do I need to prevent this?
Also perhaps I need to modify the code so that the macro runs only if the
user is using the blank template for the first time. For all subsequent
time, clicking on the macro should only save the file & not do a saveas
I am a novice at this, & am sure that there is a better/more elegant way of
achieving what I am trying to do. Should this code be in a module or should
I put it in the Workbook BeforeSave/ BeforeClose part?
Will sincerely appreciate your expert help.
I would appreciate help from you experts out there on this one!
I have a read-only excel file which users use as an template to enter
information & then store the files in a directory after giving them easy to
identify names of individual persons.
Cell A1 contains the first & last name of the person (eg John Doe)
Cell A2 contains an unique identifier number (eg 12345)
In order to have uniformity of file names (rather than users giving them
names on their own), I am using the following code in a macro button (called
Save) placed on the sheet to generate a file name based on contents of cells
A1 & A2
ThisWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:="c:\My documents\Special Folder\" &
Range("a1") & "- No " & Range("A2") & ".xls"
This works well & gives the blank template a filename such as "John
Doe -12345.xls" & saves it in the appropriate directory. However once the
file is saved with this name & the user clicks on the Macro button (Save)
next time, it displays the Excel message, which alerts the user that the
file already exists & asks whether you want to replace it with choices of ,
"yes", "no" or "cancel". Selecting "no" or "canel" results in an Run time
error. What additional code do I need to prevent this?
Also perhaps I need to modify the code so that the macro runs only if the
user is using the blank template for the first time. For all subsequent
time, clicking on the macro should only save the file & not do a saveas
I am a novice at this, & am sure that there is a better/more elegant way of
achieving what I am trying to do. Should this code be in a module or should
I put it in the Workbook BeforeSave/ BeforeClose part?
Will sincerely appreciate your expert help.