saving favourites


Tom McCallum

I want to remove IE from my system and then re-install it,
but I don't want to lose my "favourites list". Can I save
my "favourites" in a file and then add it to the re-
installed version? I've look for but can't seem to find a
file/folder where they are current stored.

Thanks ... Tom

Maureen Goldman

Tom McCallum said:
I want to remove IE from my system and then re-install it,
but I don't want to lose my "favourites list". Can I save
my "favourites" in a file and then add it to the re-
installed version? I've look for but can't seem to find a
file/folder where they are current stored.

Look at the IE File menu \ import and export.
Jan 9, 2007
Reaction score
All my Favourites are extremely portable

In 1999 I started developing my own Desktop Search Engine.

The only problem I had when changing computers was my favourites.
I made a small change to the program to allow me to archive them
just like I do Video, Music, Pics and text.

When archiving pictures it takes 2 lines of text. The first line had the
search information and the 2nd line had the path to the picture. So
instead of loading the picture. If I found HTTP on the 2nd line I put
the URL as the default in an input box. I copy and paste this into the

I can move my favourites to any computer anytime without disturbing
the existing ones. Currently I have my "internet news", "TrapLine"
and "other forum" postings archived. Random or Sequential access.

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