I am getting a dataset returned from a web service call, I want to persist
this in sql ce. Is there an easy way of doing this?
this in sql ce. Is there an easy way of doing this?
Mark Ihimoyan said:Here is some code you might find helpful.
It contains some helper functions for storing a dataset to SqlCe and also
restoring a dataset from a SqlCe database
class manipulateSQLCE
public static string GetSQLTypeName (Type t) {
if (t == typeof(SByte)) return "TinyInt";
if (t == typeof(Int16)) return "SmallInt";
if (t == typeof(Int32)) return "Int";
if (t == typeof(Int64)) return "BigInt";
if (t == typeof(Byte)) return "TinyInt";
if (t == typeof(UInt16)) return "SmallInt";
if (t == typeof(UInt32)) return "Int";
if (t == typeof(UInt64)) return "BigInt";
if (t == typeof(Single)) return "Real";
if (t == typeof(Double)) return "Float";
if (t == typeof(Decimal)) return "Money";
if (t == typeof(Boolean)) return "Bit";
if (t == typeof(Guid)) return "UniqueIdentifier";
if (t == typeof(Byte[])) return "Image";
if (t == typeof(string)) return "NText";
if (t == typeof(DateTime)) return "DateTime";
if (t == typeof(Char)) return "NChar";
if (t == typeof(Byte[])) return "Binary";
throw new Exception("Unable to get matching SQL CE type for
type " + t.Name);
public static SqlDbType GetSQLType (Type t) {
if (t == typeof(SByte)) return SqlDbType.TinyInt;
if (t == typeof(Int16)) return SqlDbType.SmallInt;
if (t == typeof(Int32)) return SqlDbType.Int;
if (t == typeof(Int64)) return SqlDbType.BigInt;
if (t == typeof(Byte)) return SqlDbType.TinyInt;
if (t == typeof(UInt16)) return SqlDbType.SmallInt;
if (t == typeof(UInt32)) return SqlDbType.Int;
if (t == typeof(UInt64)) return SqlDbType.BigInt;
if (t == typeof(Single)) return SqlDbType.Real;
if (t == typeof(Double)) return SqlDbType.Float;
if (t == typeof(Decimal)) return SqlDbType.Money;
if (t == typeof(Boolean)) return SqlDbType.Bit;
if (t == typeof(Guid)) return SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier;
if (t == typeof(Byte[])) return SqlDbType.Image;
if (t == typeof(string)) return SqlDbType.NText;
if (t == typeof(DateTime)) return SqlDbType.DateTime;
if (t == typeof(Char)) return SqlDbType.NChar;
if (t == typeof(Byte[])) return SqlDbType.Binary;
throw new Exception("Unable to get matching SQL CE type for
type " + t.Name);
// Store a dataset to the SQL CE.
public static void storeDataToSQLCE( DataSet data, string dataFile )
if (File.Exists(dataFile)) // Get
rid of existing database file
SqlCeEngine en = new SqlCeEngine("Data Source = " + dataFile );
Create new database engine
en.CreateDatabase(); //
Create a new database
SqlCeConnection con = new SqlCeConnection("Data Source = " +
dataFile );
Create a new connection
con.Open(); // Open
this connection
foreach (DataTable table in data.Tables ) { //
Create tables one by one
SqlCeCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand(); // Prepare Create
table command
StringBuilder command = new StringBuilder(1024); //
Assume we have pretty long command
command.Append("Create Table \""); //
Command string:
command.Append( table.TableName ); //
Create Table "TableName" ("ColumnName" ColumnType, ... )
command.Append( "\" (");
foreach ( DataColumn c in table.Columns) { // Add
all columns
command.Append ("\"");
command.Append (c.ColumnName); // Add
column name
command.Append ("\" ");
command.Append (GetSQLTypeName(c.DataType)); // And
column SQL type
// Add special column features:
// Identity(_seed, _increment) Autoincrement Could
not set this as column will be read only
// Primary Key Primary Key
// Default _value Sets default value
// Unique For unique columns
// Not Null Null is not allowed
if ( c.DefaultValue != DBNull.Value ) { //
Default value is set?
command.Append (String.Format(" Default '{0}'",
if ( !c.AllowDBNull ) { //
Could not be null ?
command.Append (" Not Null"); // Mark
it as Not Null
if ( c.Unique ) { //
Unique column ?
DataColumn[] pk = table.PrimaryKey; // Get
primry key column(s)
if ( pk != null && pk.Length > 1 ) // Only
one column allowed as a primary key in SQL CE
throw new System.Exception("Only one column
allowed as a primary key in SQL CE");
if ( null != pk && pk.Length == 1 && pk[0] == c) {
Primary key ?
command.Append (" Primary Key"); // Mark
it as such
else {
command.Append (" Unique"); // Mark
it as unique
command.Append (','); // Add
command.Replace (',', ')', command.Length - 1, 1); //
Replace last comma with ')'
cmd.CommandText = command.ToString(); // Set
// Console.WriteLine ("Create command: \n{0}",
cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); // Do
it - create a table
cmd.Parameters.Clear(); // Do
some cleanup
// At this point we have a database with an empty table
ready to be populated...
SqlCeDataAdapter da = new SqlCeDataAdapter(); //
Prepare data adapter
command.Remove(0, command.Length); //
Clean up old command
command.Append ("Insert Into \""); //
Insert command
command.Append ( table.TableName );
command.Append ("\" (");
foreach (DataColumn column in table.Columns) { // Add
column names
command.Append ('"');
command.Append ( column.ColumnName );
command.Append ("\","); //
Separated by commas
cmd.Parameters.Add("@" + column.ColumnName, // Add
parameters to q query
GetSQLType (column.DataType),
column.MaxLength > 0 ?
column.MaxLength : 0,
command.Remove(command.Length - 1, 1); //
Remove last comma
command.Append(") Values (");
for (int i = table.Columns.Count; i-- > 0; ) // Add
correct number
command.Append( "?,"); // of
queston marks
command.Replace (',', ')', command.Length - 1, 1); //
Replace last comma with ')'
cmd.CommandText = command.ToString(); // Set
insert command
da.InsertCommand = cmd; //
Store our insert command
da.Update(table); //
Update table in the SQL CE
cmd.Parameters.Clear(); // Do
some cleanup
cmd = con.CreateCommand(); // Prepare Create table command
string vcommand = String.Format("select COUNT(*) from
cmd.CommandText = vcommand; // Set command
int count = (int)cmd.ExecuteScalar(); //
Do it - create a table
if(count != table.Rows.Count)
Console.WriteLine("We did not store Expected number of records");
Console.WriteLine("Expected was {0}", table.Rows.Count);
Console.WriteLine("Actual was {0}",count);
throw new Exception("Error in Verification");
con.Close(); //
Close connection.
// Restore a dataset from the SQL CE
public static DataSet restoreDataFromSQLCE( string dataFile)
DataSet data = new DataSet(); //
Create new dataset
data.EnforceConstraints = false;
SqlCeConnection con = new SqlCeConnection("Data Source = " +
dataFile );
Create a new connection
SqlCeDataReader rdr = null;
con.Open(); //
Open this connection
// Now enumerate all user tables
SqlCeCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand(); //
Prepare command
cmd.CommandText = "Select table_type, table_name From
// Query table type and name
rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); // Get data
while(rdr.Read()) //
Now read it
if ( rdr.GetString(0) == "TABLE" ) //
Is it a user's table ?
string tableName = rdr.GetString(1); //
Get table name
SqlCeDataAdapter da = new SqlCeDataAdapter(); //
Create data adapter to fill our DataSet
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.TableDirect; //
Use direct table access to load data
cmd.CommandText = tableName; //
Set table name
da.SelectCommand = cmd; //
Set command to be used with data adapter
DataTable table = new DataTable (); //
Create DataTable to be filled
da.Fill(table); //
Fill table with data
table.TableName = tableName; //
Rename table
data.Tables.Add(table); //
Add table to the dataset
data.EnforceConstraints = true;
return data;
if(null != rdr)
// We're done reading
if(null != con)
// Close this connection
public static void ShowErrors(SqlCeException e)
SqlCeErrorCollection errorCollection = e.Errors;
StringBuilder bld = new StringBuilder();
Exception inner = e.InnerException;
foreach (SqlCeError err in errorCollection)
bld.Append("\n Error Code: " + err.HResult.ToString("X"));
bld.Append("\n Message : " + err.Message);
bld.Append("\n Minor Err.: " + err.NativeError);
bld.Append("\n Source : " + err.Source);
foreach (int numPar in err.NumericErrorParameters)
if (0 != numPar) bld.Append("\n Num. Par. : " + numPar);
foreach (string errPar in err.ErrorParameters)
if (String.Empty != errPar) bld.Append("\n Err. Par. :
" + errPar);
bld.Remove(0, bld.Length);
I am getting a dataset returned from a web service call, I want to persist
this in sql ce. Is there an easy way of doing this?