Saving data from datagridview

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bob Simoneau
  • Start date Start date

Bob Simoneau

I have a access database with one table, which two columns. The columns are
name which is text, and present which is a boolean. I create a new windows
application, and include the table using wizard. I then drop the table onto
my main form. VB creates a tableadapter, bindingsource, datagridview, and a
bindingnavagrator. I can see my data from the table in the grid, so the
tableadapter.fill works. VB also added the code for the navagator save
button. If I change the data in the grid, or use the navagator add button
the records do not get saved. When I exit and re-enter the application the
changes are missing. The book I am learning with implies I do not have to
add code. Am I missing something?


Changes do not go automatically to the database until code will call Update
method of the DataAdapter. This is disconnected environment and you need to
do it explicitly