Saving as Plain Text with Other Encoding

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I am using Windows 2000 and Office 2003 and would like to know how can I add
additional encoding language options into the "File / Save As / Plain Text
(txt) / Other Encoding" list of available languages. I'm trying to encode a
document into "Croation (Mac)" but it is not listed in the "Other Encoding"
list. any ideas will be greatly received.
Hi =?Utf-8?B?UFdlYmxleQ==?=,
I am using Windows 2000 and Office 2003 and would like to know how can I add
additional encoding language options into the "File / Save As / Plain Text
(txt) / Other Encoding" list of available languages. I'm trying to encode a
document into "Croation (Mac)" but it is not listed in the "Other Encoding"
list. any ideas will be greatly received.
I'm not sure this can be done. Best place to try asking would be the newsgroup, though.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17 2005)

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