Saving and restring Font info

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bill Angus
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Bill Angus

I'm having trouble with windows forms/controls and fonts. I want to allow
font selection for a text-box, and then I want to save the user-selected
font to a database. None of my database field-types obviously is "font". So
I set up the database to store:
-font_family_name as string
-emSize as integer
-font_Style as integer

When I went try to save and restore the user-selected font from the
database, I run into troubles. Fontname, size and style are read-only
properties. I find that I cannot set the font of a control programmatically
given its name size and style...

Any idea how one may save and restore font info? (... from a database
table -- NOT from the My.Settings namespace which I already know how to

Thanks and have a great day!

Bill Angus, MA
You have to create a new font object:
textBox1.Font = new Font(...etc...);
There are several different overloads of the font constructor you can choose
I discovered what you say here about font assignment in the docs... but I think there is a bug in VB 2005 here....

When I try to set the font with variables retrieved from a datastore, the font(x,x,x) statement produces an error ... overloaded resolution fails because a narrowing convention is needed.

Thanks Brian and have a great day!

Bill Angus, MA
You have to create a new font object:
textBox1.Font = new Font(...etc...);
There are several different overloads of the font constructor you can choose
Have you casted the objects you're pulling out of the data store to their
specific types? For example, when you grab a field from a data reader, it is
an object by default, unless you specifically ask for it as, or cast it to,
a specific type.

Brian Schwartz
FishNet Components
Fish Grid .NET Light: Powerful Layouts for Small Datasets

I discovered what you say here about font assignment in the docs... but I
think there is a bug in VB 2005 here....

When I try to set the font with variables retrieved from a datastore, the
font(x,x,x) statement produces an error ... overloaded resolution fails
because a narrowing convention is needed.

Thanks Brian and have a great day!

Bill Angus, MA
You have to create a new font object:
textBox1.Font = new Font(...etc...);
There are several different overloads of the font constructor you can choose
I went back to the docs and found that it should be possible to convert "most" objects to and from string (i.e. string is a great format for storing and retrieving from a datastore).

I set a line of code as follows which provides a string representation of a font ....
Dim strFont As String = Me.FontDialog1.Font.ToString

The string which is provided stores easily in the SQL datastore. It was actually stored as follows....
'Size=18, Units=3, GdiCharSet=0, GdiVerticalFont=False]'

With the above value stored in strFont, I get a failure upon trying to restore the font from string.

the code for restoring is as follows...

Me.FontDialog1.Font = CType(TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(GetType(Font)).ConvertFromString(strFont), Font)

ConvertFromString fails with the message: Value of 'Size=18, Units=3, GdiCharSet=0, GdiVerticalFont=False]' is not valid for 'units'.

this really does seem to be either a bug in the documentation or a bug in the product... I still can't get a valid value for "string representation of font" and then to restore a font setting from it.

Thanks and have a great day!

Bill Angus, MA
Have you casted the objects you're pulling out of the data store to their
specific types? For example, when you grab a field from a data reader, it is
an object by default, unless you specifically ask for it as, or cast it to,
a specific type.

Brian Schwartz
FishNet Components
Fish Grid .NET Light: Powerful Layouts for Small Datasets

I discovered what you say here about font assignment in the docs... but I
think there is a bug in VB 2005 here....

When I try to set the font with variables retrieved from a datastore, the
font(x,x,x) statement produces an error ... overloaded resolution fails
because a narrowing convention is needed.

Thanks Brian and have a great day!

Bill Angus, MA
You have to create a new font object:
textBox1.Font = new Font(...etc...);
There are several different overloads of the font constructor you can choose
Duhhhh.... got it finally ... The saving of a font to string and recreating
from string works if the string is created using the following:

Dim strFont As String =
Dim strColor As String =

....and restored from the strFont string using the following...

Me.tbHeader.Font = _

Me.tbHeader.ForeColor = _

), Color)
Catch ex As Exception
End Try

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include shipping charges). To get a US amount divide by 1.1 approximately.

Thanks for using our service and have a great day!

Bill Angus, MA
Actually the string that was stored is as follows...

'[Font: Name=Mona Lisa Recut, Size=18, Units=3, GdiCharSet=0,

Bill Angus, MA